Writing Homework Help

RCC role of Electoral College on US Presidential Candidates Elections Discussion


Below you will find the steps to complete your final paper in this class which is due as a PDF or word file upload, 5 pages minimum (more is ok!) in length double spaced 12 font.

1. Introduction(1 page): Choose one discussion topic that you really enjoyed (Electoral College). Explain the issues you learned about it and give an overview of the interesting ideas contained in this module (Grassroots Politics, Lobbyists, Swing State, PACs/Super PACs, Realignment, Gerrymandering). – what is this topic about? What makes it useful in American politics? Why does it matter? Why should other people know about it?

2. Body Argument (3 pages): Choose 5 key concepts (Welfare State, Corporate Complex, Partisan Politics, Interest Groups, Political Platform) and explain how they fit together. Then choose 5 more key concepts (Domestic Policy, Federal Budget, Public Option, Immigration Reform, The Glass Ceiling) and explain how they fit in with the original 5 Key Concepts. What is the relationship between ALL OF THESE key concepts? How do they relate to the discussion topic that you chose?

3. Conclusion (1 page): Reflect on who has power and why in America. What aspects of American political development best explains how politics operates in America?

Grade Scale:

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome

5-Exceptional; Additional evidence/show of mastery is provided with thorough detail and attention to all aspects of the prompt.

4- Well done; Addresses all aspects of the prompt and topic at hand, though some in less detail

3- Overall Good, though lacks 1 or more elements from the prompt.

2-Missing Items–Lacks 2 or more elements from the prompt.

1- Incomplete–Lacks most elements from the prompt.