Science Homework Help

Ocean Acidification and Biodiversity Impact Questions………

you need not label the paragraphs as recall, evaluate and create – however the paragraphs must be arranged and written in such a way that it is pretty obvious to the reader.

Recall: For the past several weeks we have been exploring the concept of pH in this course. Please make at least one specific connection to your experiences with pH as part of this course and explain in your own words how pH plays such a significant role in the acidification of oceans, how it affects our oceans, our marine life and eventually human life. Discuss at least 3 specific but different effects. The effect(s) your discuss may be mundane or far reaching, as long as you are able to discuss the effect in detail. As you discuss the three effects, you also need to bring in at least three pieces of support from the videos we’ve watched or the assigned readings we’ve read. Be sure to cite the videos and/or readings you reference.

In other words, for each of the effects you discuss, you will need to make connections to

  • one specific instance in the videos (cite the video) that resonated with you
  • or one specific idea from the assigned readings (cite the reading) that you found applicable.
  • or both an instance in the videos and a specific idea from the assigned readings (with citations)

Evaluate: As the entire world went into lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, examine and evaluate the broader impacts of the coronavirus lockdown on our oceans and our atmosphere. Discuss one specific article/ incidents/ instance (with references and pictures) to highlight the effects of the lockdown. Explain why the lockdown helped, hindered or did not make a difference to the acidification of oceans specifically and climate change in general.

Create: Within the creative activity you must accomplish three things. You can post your creative activity as an attached file, link or upload/embed an image or video or audio. (Hint: It will help greatly if you examine how your personal actions may have contributed to the acidification of the oceans and come up with at least 3 specific ways you might have contributed to it.)

  • First create a simple analogy/story/song/interpretive dance/other creative activity allowing a third grader (elementary school student) to understand the price we will pay for doing nothing in the face of this challenge. Be sure to use aspects that a third grader will understand (for example all the fish in the ocean will die!).
  • Second, you must also showcase 3 things all of us can together do to create a better outcome for ourselves.
  • Third, please explain to the third grader how they can help make this better – give them one actionable item to do at their age!