Science Homework Help

BV Cape Town Water Crisis Presentation


Guidelines for you Presentation Post:

Your Presentation post should be written like an informational article, not a technical report. Don’t use excessive jargon, but don’t go overboard on the simplification. It should be written at an appropriate level for your university-student peers. The post should include:

  • An introduction that articulates the specific area of focus for your presentation, and its relevance to the overall topic (1 paragraph).
  • The core content of your project. What did you learn through your research? (~3-4 paragraphs).
  • A conclusion that wraps it all up, summarizes the key points, and final thoughts. What should be our big take-away from your presentation? (1 paragraph).
  • At least one embedded (not attached) image, diagram or graphic to compliment your text. You may have as many as 3, but please don’t add more than that. Be sure to tell us about the image and what it is showing us in the alt text. If your images/graphic are displaying key info, you don’t have to re-explain it all in the body of your post, but you should at least refer to it.
  • You can either list these at the end of your post or embed them as hotlinks in the text of the presentation. You can use any citation format, as long as you keep it consistent throughout. Be sure you cite image sources as well. If you made a graphic yourself, credit yourself.

Your presentation will explore a specific aspect of the South African Water Crisis. You do not need to include a general overview of the whole topic, as everyone will read the following article to get the general overview: What Cape Town learned from its drought

  • If you choose a contentious subject, your presentation should not come off as your personal “soapbox” speech (i.e. rant) on that subject. You are certainly allowed to have an opinion, but as a scientist, you must present a well-researched and fact-based view of the topic, with citations and data to back up your ideas.
  • Be mindful to identify opinions – in your source material and in your presentation. Make sure you aren’t presenting opinions as facts.
  • References don’t all have to be print articles. There were numerous radio broadcasts, podcasts, documentaries and news coverage about this topic. All of that is fair game, as long as you cite it.
  • The paragraph / length criteria outlined in the Guidelines section is a MINIMUM. You are welcome to write more (within reason), but you cannot receive full credit for the presentation with less than that. That being said, we are more interested in quality over quantity. Show us you have a strong grasp of your selected topic and really did your research. That can be accomplish without long expositions. Your fellow students (aka peer reviewers) will thank you for keeping it concise!

This is what I have so far and feel free to change the tittle if needed. And feel free to change sources if needed as well.

Cape Town’s Water Crisis and The Effects to The Public Health

My presentation will focus on the effects to the public health in Cape Town due to the severe drought. It will also provide information on how a drought can increase the exposure to many diseases that could lead to long term public health issues.

Browdie, B. (2018, February 7). Cape Town’s water crisis is already posing a risk to public health. Quartz. Retrieved October 28, 2021, from (Links to an external site.).

This source is peer-reviewed

Maxmen, A. (2018). As Cape Town water crisis deepens, scientists prepare for ‘Day Zero’. Nature, 554(7690).…