Social Science homework help

Social Science homework help. Description:
• Theory application assignments generally require you to look at empirical phenomena through the lens of theory. The papers should be 3 to 3.5 pages, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and in 12-point font, they should have a title page and references list (title page and references do not count towards the page count, APA formatted).
• Generally, the first step in a theory application assignment is to pick a theory from the textbook and make certain you understand it. For each one of your theory application assignments, theories should not repeat (use different theories ). You should be able to state the theory (the author’s main argument) in a sentence or two. Then you pick a movie/ an episode of your favorite TV show that can potentially illustrate how this theory works. Does the theorist’s key argument apply to your case? Ask yourself, what would the theory predict (“have to say”) about a particular situation.
• Theory application papers involve making a claim or argument based on theory, supported by empirical evidence. Critically analyze the central ideas and arguments advanced in both theory and media you picked (e.g. a movie), discuss commonalities, compare and contrast ideas, evaluate the assumptions or theories present in the readings, argue against the claims made in a reading, or make a point about the relationship between ideas in that reading and the chosen media. When you make a statement or a claim, ask yourself, “How do I know this?” What evidence can you use to support your claim? Be careful to identify whose views and ideas you are presenting (if you are citing the author/ movie characters or it is your original ideas).
• These papers are evaluated based on the extent to which points are raised and developed. Students should try to avoid (a) providing summaries of the readings, and (b) attempting to raise and adequately address too many points. Rather, students should focus on key arguments, and spend more time developing these arguments.
Chapter 17 & 20

Chapter 28

Chapter 30

Social Science homework help