Sociology homework help

Sociology homework help. Reaction Paper Guidelines and Specifications
REACTION PAPER GUIDELINES | SPM 425: Contemporary Issues in Sport – Fall 2015
SPM 326 Sociology of Sport in Modern Society
Writing assignments are comprised of complete responses to each of the prompts, your infusion
of supporting information from the text as well as a representation of your ability to concisely
convey your thoughts in a cohesive and informative manner. All of these aspects should be
covered in at least 500 words. These reaction papers are conceptualized to capture thoughts and
perspective, rather than to provide merely a summary of the information outlined in the text. I
would like to see you critically engage these questions to demonstrate your understanding of how
to interpret the information as well as put the information into practice.
Please note, I expect quality work. Therefore, please proof-read, spell check, and/or utilize the
library’s resources to ensure that there are limited grammatical or stylistic errors in the reaction
essays as grammar and formatting will be calculated in the final score. A full breakdown of the
score calculation is listed below:
Area of emphasis Point Allocation
Initial Response to the prompt 0-10 pts
Infusion of literature 0-10 pts
Grammar/Formatting 0-5 pts
Total 25 pts
Each paper should be completed in 12pt, Times New Roman Font, with 1 inch margins. Also
include a cover page complete with: the assignment title, your name, the date, the class, and the
professor’s name.
If you have any additional questions, please let me know before the due date so that we can
resolve any issues prior to submission.
Please see the course BlackBoard Page for Reaction Paper Prompts!!

Sociology homework help