
Business Finance Homework Help

University of North Alabama Five Stages of Team Development Questions



Illustrate the interpersonal, technical, decision-making, and conceptual skills needed for effective management.


Case Study

Read the above case study and prepare the necessary documents as explained below.

  • You have recently been hired by Blackrocks as a consultant for organizational effectiveness in the company. Your role is to create a team in the organization to address the current situations going on in the company.

Identify the structure and development of your strategic team in a formal report. This report should contain the following:

  1. Introduction: Overview of the Case Study.
  2. Discuss through the five stages of team development:
    1. What type of management skills (interpersonal, technical, conceptual, and decision-making) would you use in order to plan and organize your team development?
    2. You have the two owners, four full-timers, and seven part-time employees. Who would you include in your strategy team and why?
    3. How would you address team dynamics such as communication standards, conflict management, diversity, and empowerment?
    4. What types of technological tools could be used to help team performance?
    5. How would you know if your team was successful, what control measures would you use?

Business Finance Homework Help

FIDM Technology Available to Support Effective Supply Chain Operations Discussion


Required Reading(Attached):

Chapter 4 New Technology Changes How Work is Done.pdf

The Tech Tools That Want to Solve Fashion’s Supply Chain Problems _ BoF Professional, News & Analysis _ BoF.pdf

Building a Transparent Supply Chain.pdf

Complete the required reading and answer the following questions.

  • Discuss the technology that is available to support and enable effective supply chain operations. Give examples of how new technology trends (drones, RFID tags, AI, real-time data) can be leveraged in the current business environment to help companies gain efficiencies.
  • Define Block-chain technology and how it can be applied to the Supply Chain. What are some of the benefits of leveraging this technology? Are there any potential risks? Give specific examples
  • Explain the technology tools that can help in the Fashion Supply Chain. What are areas of opportunity for the industry that the article talked about? (Article: The Tech Tools That Want To Solve Fashion’s Supply Chain Problems)

Supplemental Video:

Business Finance Homework Help

Trident University Mod 4 Organizational Structure and Culture Discussion


Module 4 – Case


Assignment Overview

The format of this case differs from the previous three modules and resembles more closely the format of assignments you will see in many of your courses going forward. This is not to say that you should abandon what you have learned about the analytical process of alternating between the abstract and the concrete, the reflective and the active, but this paper will not follow the format of a section on concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. Each of these aspects of analysis should be present, but integrated into the paper as a whole, rather than broken out into distinct sections.

The topic of this case is organizational design. To complete this assignment, we will begin as before, and you should identify an organization you know very well. Then conduct your analysis by addressing the topics below. Do not line up the questions and address them one at a time as in a short-answer test, but rather integrate them into a single coherent commentary and analysis of the organization. A critical part of successful completion of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to employ the concepts introduced in the background material in describing and evaluating the effectiveness of the organizational design. To do this, you will need to draw on the concepts from at least three readings/videos. This paper should be 4-6 pages long.

Case Questions:

  1. Diagram the formal structure of your organization. Identify the various management positions or titles on the chart and indicate the positions/jobs that would report to each. Identify the various management positions or titles on the chart and indicate the positions/jobs that would report to each. ( provides free examples, though others are also available via Google. PowerPoint also has templates for organizational charts you can use.

  1. Describe how work is divided (specialization and departmentalization), coordinated (chain of command and span of control), and controlled (centralization and formalization). Is the structure more mechanistic or organic?
  2. Describe the informal structure of the organization. How does work actually get done?
  3. How does the organization deal with the differentiation-integration issue?
  4. Having completed this analysis, identify three strengths and three weaknesses of the organizational design.
  5. If you could suggest one major improvement to the organizational design, what would it be?

    Module 4 – Background


    Required Sources

    Organizational CultureHave you ever observed how some organizations just seem to be shining stars in their fields, even if the product or service they produce is not that much different from their competitors? Have you noticed that it seems that they are the ones who are the most successful? Did you ever wonder why? Read the following material on organizational culture for some insights into what culture is, what it does, how it is formed, and how it is taught to newcomers in the organization. This reading is available in the Trident University Library.

    Flamholtz, E. & Randle, Y. (2011). Corporate Culture: The Invisible Asset. Corporate Culture: The Ultimate Strategic Asset. (pp. 3-25), Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books.

    This material on organizational culture type may be particularly helpful as you prepare your Module 4 SLP assignment.

    McNamara, C. (2000) Organizational Culture. Adapted from the Fieldguide to Organizational Leadership and Supervision. Free Management Library.

    Organizational Structure and DesignThe way an organization is designed and structured can have significant effects on its members and its ability to execute its strategy. In this module we will try to understand those effects and analyze the behavioral implications of different organizational designs.An organizational structure defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated. According to Robbins and Judge (2014), managers need to address six key elements when they design their organization’s structure:Work specialization – the extent to which activities are subdivided into separate jobs.Departmentalization – the basis on which jobs will be grouped together.Chain of command – the people who individuals and groups report to.Span of control – the number of individuals that a manager can direct efficiently and effectively.Centralization and de-centralization – the locus of decision-making authority.Formalization – the extent to which there will be rules and regulations to direct employees and managers.Robbins, S.P. & Judge, T.A. (2014). Essentials of Organizational Behavior (12th Edition). Pearson.One way to gain insight into the complexity of organizations and how organizations are structured or designed is through metaphors. For example, using metaphors, an organization can be talked about as if it were a machine or as if it were an organism. The organization that is like a machine is characterized by extensive departmentalization, high formalization, and limited by low formalization, flat hierarchy and the use of cross-hierarchical and cross-functional teams, free flow of information, and decentralization. Each design has advantages and disadvantages. For example, organizations that are like machines are often good at keeping the costs of standardized products or services down but could inhibit innovation and creativity. Read the following article by Tohidian and Rahimian (2019) that provides insight into organizational design and how metaphors are used to understand how organizations work:

    Tohidian, I., & Rahimian, H. (2019). Bringing Morgan’s metaphors in organization contexts: An essay review. Cogent Business & Management, 6(1). CC BY. Available in the Trident Online Library.

    Organizational structures are also considered in how they fit or align with an organization’s strategy, mission, and objectives. Traditional structures were divisional structures, functional structures, team-based or process structures, and flexible structures. More recently, organizations have needed to take on more “open boundary” designs. Models of hollow, modular, and virtual organizations describe these “open boundary” organizations. Overall, the key learning here is that the structure selected should match the organization’s strategy – or it will be very difficult for the organization to be successful.The following reading considers organization design in an era of newer strategic considerations such as globalization and changing market dynamics:

    Narasimhan, A., Yu, H. H., & Lane, N. (2012). Organization design: Inviting the outside in. Retrieved from

    Aligning culture and structureDesigning an organization’s structure involves more than just shifting boxes and lines on an organizational chart. Mootee (2012) offers several critical tests when considering the adequately designing an organization’s structure:

    1. The Future Test: Does the design reflect the needs for how a company plans to compete in the future?
    2. The People/Culture Test: Does the design adequately reflect the motivations, strengths, and weaknesses of employees?
    3. The Competitive Advantage Test: Does the design allocate sufficient management emphasis to the strategic priorities?
    4. The Power Test: Does the design provide the desired allocated power to groups/individuals that is linked to the strategic value of the unit or functions?
    5. The Agility Test: Is the design adaptable and swift to respond to future changes? (p. 1)
    Mootee, I. (2012). What is the right organizational design for your corporation? And what test to use to know if you’ve got the right one? Innovation Playground. Retrieved from

    It makes intuitive sense that organizational culture and organizational structure should affect each other. Indeed, the way work is coordinated, the way hierarchies are designed, and the way communications are channeled should align with the norms and values of the people who work there. If they do not, there will be tension and conflict between the way people feel comfortable working and the structures that force work to be done in a different way. The following article is an excellent and compelling analysis of why management should consciously ensure that culture and structure support each other so that the organization can function as smoothly and effectively as possible.

    Janicijevic, N. (2013). The mutual Impact of organizational culture and structure. Economic Annals 58(198). Retrieved from

    Optional Sources

    Organizational Culture

    Denison, D., Hooijberg, R., & Lane, N. (2012). Building a high-performance Business Culture. Leading Culture Change in Global Organizations: Aligning Culture and Strategy. (pp. 1-23), Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from

    A classic source for an overview of organizational culture is:

    Schein, E. H. (2010) Organizational Culture & Leadership. 4th ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Available in the Trident University Library.

    Organizational Structure and Design “Guidelines for Organizational Design” assembled by Carter McNamara, PhD, provides library links to several readings on the topic.

    McNamara, C. (n.d.) Guidelines for organization design. In Free Management Library. Retrieved from
    Mechanistic vs. Organic Organizational Structure: Contingency Theory (2014) BusinessMate.Org

Business Finance Homework Help

Georgia Backup and Recovery Remain Critical to Cybersecurity Planning Discussion


Backups are the holy grail of computing when it comes to security. Why would this statement ring true? What is the difference between having good backups and having a good disaster recovery plan? Within your current or past company, what are some methods that you would suggest for security awareness training?

Business Finance Homework Help

University of Massachusetts Integrated Marketing Communication Discussion


You are the new account manager for the communication agency that handles integrated marketing communication (IMC) for the Special K brand . Your first decision is to conduct an IMC audit (review all IMC elements for the current strategy). You’ll need to do the following, which you should submit as a discussion post:

  1. Identify and discuss advertising strategy, including major media classes (i.e., TV, mobile, social media, radio, websites, etc.). Here are examples:
    1. Describe the target audience demographically as well as psychographically (lifestyle, values, motives, etc.).
    2. What is/are the objective(s) (i.e., awareness, informative/knowledge, attitude change, behavioral incentive, other)?
    3. Based on the objective(s), how would you describe the communication ‘problem’ or need/want for the target audience?
    4. What is the general message the brand is communicating to the audience? This is the essence of the brand meaning that is shared among all Special K products (i.e., cereal, protein bars, breakfast bars, etc.).
  1. Identify and discuss/explain all forms of consumer sales promotion utilized (i.e., coupons, price-off, contests, sweepstakes, sampling, other – distributed through any/all media). Why are they doing it?
  2. Identify and discuss/explain events sponsored (or created) by Special K – why are they doing it?
  3. Identify and discuss/explain PR and publicity utilized by the brand (might include positive or negative stories created by other sources) – why are they doing it?
  4. Identify and discuss/explain interactive marketing efforts (online/digital/social media) – why are they doing it?

Business Finance Homework Help

ACCT 644 Unadjusted Misstatement Audit Schedule Discussion Paper


I’m working on a accounting question and need guidance to help me learn.

To properly assess the internal controls that are in place at Bovar Company, you have found that there are three major objectives that an entity should follow in designing an effective internal control system. They are as follows:

  • Reliability of financial reporting
  • Efficiency and effectiveness of operations
  • Compliance with laws and regulations

In 3–4 paragraphs, I must complete the following:

  • Discuss the meaning of each of the following major objectives:
    • Reliability of financial reporting
    • Efficiency and effectiveness of operations
    • Compliance with laws and regulations
  • Discuss how they might be satisfied at Bovar Company.
  • Prepare an unadjusted misstatement audit schedule with a comment on your judgment of the audit findings based on the following audit results for Bovar. Bovar has the following misstatements (any amount more than 5% of current assets, total assets, and income before taxes):
    • Understated allowance for uncollectible accounts: $95,000 estimated based on analytical procedures
    • Accounts receivable or sales cutoff misstatements: $60,000 estimated population misstatements based on the sample, including sampling error ($60,000 accounts receivables or sales were not included in the cutoff reporting period.)
    • Difference between physical inventory and book figures: $120,000 actual population misstatements. (The physical inventory is higher than the book figures by $120,000.)
    • Unrecorded liabilities: $285,000 estimated population misstatements based on the sample, including sampling error
    • Repairs or expense items that should have been capitalized: $90,000 estimated based on analytical procedures

Business Finance Homework Help

Seminole State College IS IT and CS Jobs Discussion


Help me study for my Business class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

We always hear how computing jobs and skills are in high demand. See the attached article: AND refer to its corresponding job index survey: ISJobIndex2019 With this background and your readings, I would like you to differentiate the type of jobs you could find in Information Systems (IS), Information Technology (IT), and Computer Science (CS).

In three paragraphs or less, provide a link(s) that support your review of:
The types of IS, IT, and CS types of jobs.
The common attributes among IS, IT, and CS jobs.
The key differences among IS, IT, and CS jobs?
What does this tell you about IS jobs?

Business Finance Homework Help

CUNY LC Project Management Discussion


When developing project schedules, we must get estimates. Why do people inflate estimates and how can project managers control estimate inflation?

Business Finance Homework Help

Santa Clara University Operations Management of Benihana of Tokyo Questions


1. In as much detail as you can (based on the case information and tables) explain how Benihana differentiates itself in each of the OM competitive dimensions.

2. How does Benihana’s cost structure differ from that of a typical sit-down restaurant? [explain the cost differences in terms of food, labor, beverage, rent, and advertising separately]

3. What is the process flow on a busy night? (Describe by including the flow chart diagram)

4. As the case explains, the labor cost does not include the manager, assistant manager and the hosts salaries. (These salaries have a separate budget line known as management costs.) Assuming that each non-chef worker’s salary is $4000/year estimate a chef’s salary in the Chicago unit based on the case information.