World history homework help

World history homework help. ANTH1-UC 5012 World Cultures: Middle East, Spring 2020
Final Paper: You will write a research paper on the on the question of “What are the positive aspects about the Middle East that should be taught in the U.S (in colleges and high-schools) in order to change the misperceptions regarding the Middle East, Islam, and people from the region in general.” You can use personal examples, anecdotes, or do some ethnographic research for this assignment. The final analytical paper, 15 pages with citations, will represent the culmination of your research. It has to have a separate citation section, use any style you pick such as APA, MLA, Chicago, etc. Final paper grade within a category will depend on a combination of the factors listed in the rubric. The submission deadline is May 14th, 2020 at 3pm via email to as an attachment. I will not accept any submission after that time.”
Grading Criteria:
Each quote from the readings, class discussions, presentations, and readings and other class materials will give you 2 points out of a 100. The more you demonstrate you grasped the issues, terms, and concepts we covered in class the closer you will get to a full grade. Your paper’s grade within a category will depend on a combination of the factors listed below:
A (90-100)

  1. Fully addresses the question or assigned/selected topic;
  2. Explains and defends the central position in an orderly, logical way, making clear the writer’s reasoning and the relation among the writer’s ideas;
  3. Draws on appropriate material from readings and lectures to support conclusions and debatable assertions;
  4. Shows an appreciation for the complexity of the subject.

B (80-90)

  1. Addresses the question or assigned topic in nearly all respects;
  2. Articulates a clear position on the question(s) addressed;
  3. Focuses on the central issue most of the time, but strays a little from the focus;
  4. Explains and defends the writer’s position in an orderly, logical way, but leaves some reasoning or ideas needing further development or clarification;
  5. Draws on appropriate material from readings and lectures to support some conclusions and assertions, but leaves some conclusions or assertions needing more support.

C (70-80)

  1. Addresses the question or assigned topic in general but omits important issues;
  2. Does not articulate a clear position on the principal question(s) or topic;
  3. Strays from the topic or principal question(s) to discuss immaterial subjects;
  4. Imposes some order on the presentation but does not make the relation among ideas and facts clear enough to be coherent;
  5. Presents some evidence from readings or lectures to support conclusions, but leaves significant gaps;
  6. Does not show awareness of the complexity of the subject; oversimplifies or relies significantly on self-evident statements;
  7. Contains factual errors.

D (50-70)

  1. Fails to address a substantial portion of the question or assigned topic;
  2. Articulates no conclusion about the central issue; shows no overall conception of the essay;
  3. Fails to follow a logical order; wanders from idea to idea without explaining the relations among ideas;
  4. Fails in several significant instances to support assertions by supplying evidence from readings or lectures;
  5. Contains numerous factual errors;
  6. Contains errors of syntax, grammar and spelling that make it very difficult to understand the writer’s meaning;
  7. Does not meet length requirements.

A Note on Plagiarism:
Plagiarism and all other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and all such cases will be handled according to New York University Policies. The definition of plagiarism that has been adopted by the School of Professional Studies is as follows: “Plagiarism is representing someone else’s work as though it were one’s own. More specifically, plagiarism is to present as one’s own a sequence of words quoted without quotation marks from another writer; a paraphrased passage from another writer’s work; creative images, artwork, or design; or facts or ideas gathered, organized, and reported by someone else, orally and/or in writing and not providing proper attribution. Since plagiarism is a matter of fact, not of the student’s intention, it is crucial that acknowledgement of the sources be accurate and complete. Even where there is no conscious intention to deceive, the failure to make appropriate acknowledgement constitutes plagiarism. Penalties for plagiarism range from failure for a paper or course to dismissal from the University.” You can reach the SPS Statement on Academic Integrity and Plagiarism at

World history homework help