Writing Homework Help

Miami Dade College Smart Goals Discussion


I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Success a Choice – Your Choice!

To get what you want, it helps to know what you want.

1) Watch the video below, and think about how it impacts you.

Watch VideoWe’re All In This Together

Duration: 4:40
User: n/a – Added: 7/29/07

YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tnCVMAtf9E

2) Explain what this video means to you.

Here’s some information on goal setting.  You want to be sure to create SMART goals:


3) Please complete the following sentences with at least 5 comments.

  • What I want from my education is…
  • When I complete my education, I want to be able to…
  • My purpose for being in school is… (See page 16 in the book)

4) Describe two SMART goals for this class.

5) Describe two SMART goals for this school year.

6) Remember to respond thoughtfully to the original questions being asked. 

7) Additionally, comment on at least two other students’ postings, offering your insights.