Writing Homework Help

BCJ 563 California Coast Broken Windows Theory and Criminal Activity Discussion


Answer needs to be 2-3 pages 500 – 750 words. Works cited section for references need.


Introduce the topic to the reader in 3-5 sentences. Leave the body for the facts. Focus on a strong thesis statement leading into the body of paper. Let the last sentence in the introduction be the thesis statement. Use the 5-paragraph essay model. Paragraph 1: Intro, Paragraphs 2-4: body, and Paragraph 5: Conclusion. As a guide, introduction and conclusion should be at least 3 sentences and body paragraphs at least 5.


Question from BCJ 563 Criminal Justice Policy. Text: Crime Control in America: What Works? 4th Edition, 2019. ISBN-13: 9780134848181. Author: John L. Worrall


Additionally, please use APA citation style for your full citations. This requires a full URL link to the specific webpage you read to write your essay.