Writing Homework Help

Northeastern University Conflict Resolution Knowledge Reflection Paper


The reading for this week’s reading reaction is

Lederach, J.P. (1995).  Preparing for Peace: Conflict Transformation across cultures. Chapter 7: Prescriptive and Elicitive: The critical tension.  Syracuse University Press. Pages 63-70.

Additional Details

This WRITTEN REACTION should contextualize and apply key ideas, theory, and skills from the reading to your experience in conflict situations. Please read the article thoroughly. In your written reading reaction

Identify & describe 3 main ideas, theories and/or skills

Describe a conflict situation in a multicultural setting

  • Apply the main ideas, theories and/or skills from the article to your personal and/or professional experience described above when engaging with conflict in a multicultural context.
  • Tips for writing:  as you prepare your response, please
  • Use the above prompts as the titles/headings for each section of your essay.  This structure will help you in organizing your analysis and writing.