Writing Homework Help

LLD 100WB SJSU MIni Graduation Speech by Steve Jobs Rhetorical Analysis



Read the graduation speech by Steve Jobs below. When you are finished, follow the prompt at the end.


You will prepare a mini rhetorical analysis of Steve Jobs’s speech

A Rhetorical Analysis of Steve Jobs’s Graduation Speech

Follow this structure:

Introduction (subhead)

Your first, second, and third paragraphs will be your Introduction. The first paragraph of your Introduction will be like the introduction you wrote for your regular RA (if you want a refresher, study the model RA on Canvas).

Analysis of Rhetorical Appeals (subhead)

Define logos, and then write how effectively Jobs appeals (or doesn’t appeal) to our sense of it. Give examples. Again, you may use the model RA to guide you.

Define ethos. Then, write how effectively Jobs appeals (or doesn’t appeal) to our sense of it. Give examples.

Define pathos. Next, write how effectively Jobs appeals (or doesn’t appeal) to our sense of it. Give examples.

Last, define kairos. Then, write how effectively Jobs appeals (or doesn’t appeal) to our sense of it. Give examples.

Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies (subhead)

Does Jobs use any rhetorical strategies? If so, write how effectively Jobs uses them. Give examples.

Conclusion (subhead)

Sum up how effective, overall, you think Jobs’s speech is. This paragraph will be similar to the one you did for your RA.

Works Cited (subhead) — OPTIONAL

Sources are not required, but if you used any, you must mention them in a Works Cited entry. Use the style you are most familiar with (APA, MLA, or…?). Be consistent.

Outside sources can be used, but only sparingly. They must be accurately quoted or paraphrased, and cited properly.