Writing Homework Help

Johnson C Smith University The Six Sigma Management Concept Motorola Case Study


The Six Sigma paper and presentation should will be on an assigned company and how the company uses this methodology with one of its’ particular products. Format and specifics are listed below. You can find information about Six Sigma at: http://www.isixsigma.com/sixsigma/six_sigma.asp & www.asq.org/sixsigma.

The Six Sigma paper should be at least 8-complete-pages on an assigned company and how the company uses this methodology with one of its’ particular products. Format and specifics are listed below: Purpose:

  • To read and understand a specific TQM theory or practice (Six Sigma). • To apply marketing theory to a specific business or real world problem or company. (Comapny is Motorola)• To demonstrate the ability to do business research. • To show written competency in business writing. Research Paper Structural Requirements: • Length: at least 8 complete pages of written content (not including Title Page, Reference Page, Graphics, Images, Charts, etc.) (Make it 10 pages just to be sure) • Double-spaced, but not extra double-spaces between paragraphs. • 12 point, Times New Roman font only with 1-inch margins all around (top, bottom, left, right). • Remember that your paper must follow APA Style standards. For detailed information about APA Style visit, http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ • For your paper references, you can use academic journals, magazines, books, and Internet sources. You need at least 6 references. Paper format (Total 135 points): • TITLE PAGE: 1. Full title 2. Writer’s name 3. Instructor’s name 4. Course and Due Date • INTRODUCTION (10 points): an introduction that tells the reader the theory you will discuss and how you applied this theory to a business or product/service. (1 page maximum) • COMPANY BACKGROUND (10 points): Give a background of the company and its product and/or services. (1 page maximum) • SIX SIGMA BACKGROUND (15 points): Give a background of the Six Sigma theory. (1.5-3 pages maximum) 1. What Six Sigma is and how it’s measured 2. D-M-A-I-C methodology 3. Explain 3 Belts Levels (Master, Black, and Green) • INTEGRATION (50 points): Discuss how the Six Sigma theory is integrated into the company or product/service. Present the pluses and minuses of the integration and how effective the integration is. (2-3 pages minimum) • CONCLUSIONS (35 points): Discuss the long-term results of the integration and your personal opinion if the Six Sigma theory is properly applied. In addition, whether you believe the integration is and/or will continue to be successful in the future. (1-2 pages minimum) • RESEARCH REQUIREMENT(REFERENCE PAGE) (15 points): 6 sources, which shall include a minimum of: 1. 1 book (textbook) 2. 3 periodical article (magazine or scholarly journal) 3. 1 Internet article