Writing Homework Help

Lynn University Theoretical Explanations of Human Behavior Paper


Assignment Description

(750 – 1000 words): Students will compose an essay that presents an arguable position about an issue regarding the self and personal agency, as they are interpreted in global contexts (DSS 200.3). The goal of a position paper is to convince the audience that the argument/position presented is valid and worth listening to. This is an academic, formal essay written to an academic audience. The essay will be formatted in APA style.

Assignment Requirement

In class, we have reviewed theoretical explanations of human behavior through approaches of critical and conflict theorists and theories of symbolic interactionism as well as structural functionalism. Keeping critical and conflict theories, symbolic interactionism and structural functionalism in mind, write a paper that states your position in regards to which of these theories best explains human behavior in global societies.

As a position paper, the purpose of the paper is for you to provide your audience with your argument while also addressing the opposing side. [Providing your argument while addressing the opposing side will assist you in the preparation for your first debate].

A few questions to keep in mind when writing your paper include but are not limited to: [Why is ______ theory best suited to explain human behavior in global societies? How? Why are other theories not as effective?]

You must provide specific examples of human behavior around the world to support your points. Thus, your paper must rely on your DSS 200 iBook chapters 1-3. You could also include any case studies from your course reader (Born a Crime by Trevor Noah), knowledge of the role of social institutions – family, education, economy, religion, etc. as well as outside research. Use these as relevant and appropriate for your paper.

Length (recommended): 3-4 pages. APA 7th Edition Student Paper Format