Writing Homework Help

CM 532 Alcorn State University Therapy Techniques to Improve Relationships Discussion


Cinematic Case Study:


Students will compose a case study analysis of the couple or family dynamics identified in a film of their choice. CITE THE FILM ON THE REFERENCE PAGE.Students will conceptualize these identified dynamics through the lens of an integrated theoretical framework based on the Couple & Family Counseling Systems theories presented in class. This paper needs to be APA formatted, and should include:

  • Description of the presenting problem.
  • History of the presenting problems, including any diversity issues that contribute to the problem.
  • Specific interventions designed to address the presenting problems (identify interventions from the textbook that you will use to help the couple or family). REMEMBER TO USE CITATIONS!
  • Summary of theoretical approach you feel will best help this family and why (summary of the movie is NOT needed as the couple or family will be your client). REMEMBER TO USE CITATIONS!

***The paper should be between 3-5 pages not including the cover and reference pages.