Writing Homework Help

University of Eldoret Impact of Divorce in Childs Development Report


This will involve

choosing a topic of sociological relevance and personal interest; locating academic

sources to research/learn about this topic; and writing a paper to educate your readers

about the topic. The “research” component of this paper involves finding the best

existing, published research related to your topic (like you would for a literature review),

not collecting and analyzing your own data.

Write this paper for your fellow classmates: intelligent, educated individuals who are

familiar with basic sociological concepts, but who don’t know much about your topic of


While your first step will be to research/learn about a particular sociological issue, by the

time you write your final draft of your paper, you will take some kind of stance on this

issue.  Your major task will be to use existing academic research to develop and

back up your stance.

Above is the topic for my essay. I have gotten the required pages and words for this essay but

after meeting with my professor, I have decided to add some stuff to it based on her advice. I

would want you to write a three-page essay on the above topic but focusing more on the body

and these are some of the things I would want you to address in the essay.

1. Statistics and figures about the impact of divorce on children.

2. Since it is a research paper, I would want you to show what kind of research method used in

gathering information (data, figures, statistics) and how this research method were conducted.

3. Age groups that normally get the most impact.

4. Can this impact of divorce be correlated with race? If yes which of the race has been proven

(data/statistics) that goes through this impact.

5. I would want you to also talk about, emotional impact of divorce, divorce related stress, risk

family face, mental health problems, behavior problems, poor academic performance, risk

taking behaviors, how to help kids adjust, co-parent peacefully, avoid putting kids in the middle,

maintain healthy relationship, help kids feel safe, how to get professional help when needed,

when to seek help for your children, teach coping skills and if possible seek parent education.