Writing Homework Help

CC Relationship TED Response Discussion


I need an explanation for this Writing question to help me study.

Discussion #1B – Pre-reading Gottman’s Text The Relationship Cure – Gamma

From 2021FA-ESL-2A-3005, 2021FA-ESL-2A-7718, 2021FA-ESL-2B-5692, 2021FA-ESL-2B-7719

2020 unread replies.2020 replies.

#1 Watch the first 15 minutes of John Gottman’s TedTalk
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uazFBCDvVw (Links to an external site.)

#2 After watching the talk, answer the following questions:

A] What are 3 reasons we should care about having great relationships?




B] What are a few things they learned about couples and their relationships in their lab?

C] What do these terms mean in the video?



Physiological Calm

#3 – once you post your answers, you should be able to see the answers of your group mates. Respond to one group mate with a minimum of 5 sentences and talk about why you agree or disagree with some of their answers.