Writing Homework Help

AH 121 Art History Leonardo da Vincis Portrayal of Women Paper


Please post a potential intro paragraph of 150-250 words that will serve as the introduction to your final paper. In the intro, underline the thesis that you believe represents the focus of the paper you want to write. (due 03/06)

Essay topics (pick one):

  1. Leonardo, the portraits of Ginevra di Benci, Mona Lisa and Cecilia Gallerani: What was the problem Leonardo wanted to solve with the female portrait, and how do these three works demonstrate his attempts to find a solution?
  2. Michelangelo, two presentation drawings sent to Tommaso de’Cavalieri, The Rape of Ganymede, The Punishment of Titus: How and why do these drawings exemplify Michelangelo’s sense that he was “split in two halves?”
  3. Michelangelo and the issue of the non-finito: Did or did not Michelangelo intend to leave his works unfinished in order to make a statement about artistic inspiration and the process of creation? (In your answer, pick at least three examples from Michelangelo’s sculptural works and discuss them in detail).
  4. Vasari’s Lives of the Artists. How do Vasari’s lives of Leonardo and Michelangelo construct the idea of the “artist” in the 16th century?
  5. Michelangelo, Last Judgment and the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel: How do the differences between the Last Judgment and the Sistine ceiling reflect changes in Michelangelo’s approach to religious subject matter as he aged?