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UWP 007 UCD International Students Experiences & Concerns During Pandemic Discussion


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In three articles “The Obstacles to Remote Learning for Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional Students,”  “International Students’ Experiences and Concerns During the Pandemic,” and “Education, interrupted,” the essence of students’ sense of belonging are discussed based on research. These articles are identical in discussing the problem derived from the pandemic—lack of motivation and care. 

Inadequate resource of remote learning causes students’ worries about both adaptive and technical aspects. Adaptive problems “are often difficult to identify [and often] require changes in beliefs and approaches to solve problems” (Soria, Chirikov, and Jones-White, 2020). Technical problems “are [relatively] easy to identify [and] can be solved by authorities and experts” (Soria, Chirikov, and Jones-White, 2020), as the lack of technology. Both obstacles are produced under the remote learning and the pandemic, which worsens students’ learning abilities. Adaptive obstacles interrupt students with “lack of interpersonal connections with classmates [and] lack of appropriate study spaces amid distracting home environments,” and most students “cite the lack of clear expectations for online learning from instructors” as their major concern (Soria, Chirikov, and Jones-White, 2020). These problems, more related to students’ psychological qualities, may induce students’ doubt about the online learning system and thus lack of motivation to learn remotely. Additionally, technical obstacles cause concerns as well. International students worry about “health, safety, and immigration issues” (Chirikov and Soria, 2020). Specifically, international students under pandemic “were concerned with xenophobia, harassment or discrimination,” and many experienced offensive behaviors (Chirikov and Soria, 2020). Both mental and physical issues generate uncertainty in students’ sense of belongings that significantly impede students’ life experiences.

The conclusion appealed by the three articles suggests university faculties concretely help students overcome the aforementioned obstacles. They should be “offering students’ meaningful and relevant course content that connects to their present lived experiences” (Soria, Chirikov, and Jones-White, 2020), “helping students to navigate U.S. medical insurance systems during the pandemic,” and “develop strategies to support students experiencing intimidating behaviors (Chirikov and Soria, 2020). Through adopting practical actions, educators could implement their responsibilities to assist students to build a sense of belonging under remote learning.

As acknowledging students’ problems in the articles, what urgent problem of remote learning do you concern about?