Writing Homework Help

Arizona College of Allied Health Texas Air Quality Discussion


Texas is the only state that refuses to follow the Clean Air Act, citing that to do so would greatly hurt our economy, cost Texan’s their jobs and raise the costs of goods produced here in Texas.

As a fellow Texan, or at least current Texas resident, please answer the questions below (create a thread):

  • How does this make you feel about the quality of the air you breathe in this state?
  • What are environmental concerns associated with not complying with the Clean Air Act?
  • What are concerns for future generations of Texans?
  • Should Texas comply with the Clean Air Act or should we establish our own pollution standards, even if the EPA says they are not safe levels?
  • Is there some type of compromise?
  • FYI – Texas has still not met the EPA’s 1997 standards for criteria air pollutants. Here is an article talking about the Texas Air Quality issues: Article on Texas Air Quality by NPR
  • Short video about Port Arthur, Texas – Port Arthur, Texas

    Check out the TCEQ’s website (Texas Commision on Environmental Quality) – TCEQ Website

    FYI – Texas has still not met the EPA’s 1997 standards for criteria air pollutants. Here is an article talking about the Texas Air Quality issues: Article on Texas Air Quality by NPR

    Short video about Port Arthur, Texas – Port Arthur, Texas
    Check out the TCEQ’s website (Texas Commision on Environmental Quality) – TCEQ Website

Then discuss with TWO of your fellow classmates on their posts.

In order to get FULL CREDIT for this assignment, you need to write at least 100 words on each post.


To be honest, I was not even aware of Texas not following the Clean Air Act until today. I would say that I am not extremely concerned at the moment, simply because I don’t know what the pollution levels look like or how severe the pollution really is. I would have to look more into it. I also don’t know a lot about the Clean Air Act, but I know that it most likely has to do with environmental concerns like high carbon dioxide levels in the air or ozone depletion, which some might feel pose a threat to future generations. I don’t think that Texas should have to comply with the Clean Air Act though, because even if the federal government or the EPA has set a standard, that does not necessarily mean that it is best for all states. There are lot of variables that may go into the situation.


First off, I would like to know what levels of pollution is Texas at right now and what it is compared to? Other states and cities with higher population? Etc. that being said I don’t think is fair to judge every state and city by the same rules and regulations since they each have their own unique land mass, population and pollution influx. Texas should regulate its own pollution since it is so much different that any other state, for example it has its own power grid, it can become a main source of natural gas and oil, and has major cities that can sustain major economies. By self-regulating Texas can improve on all the aspects mention previously and have a better much cleaner air for the future generations. The only problem I foresee is big companies lobbying for deregulation and have politician vote against major changes to any bill needed for this to happen.