Writing Homework Help

Abnormal Psychology Discussion Questions


First set of questions 1. Table 11.2 lists facets encompassed within
each factor of Costa and McRae’s Five-Factor Model. Use Table 11.2 to
informally gauge your five closest friends, noting which if any of the
facets within a basic factor apply to them. Which factors best describe
your buddies? Into what category do most of your friends best fit? Are
you seeing a trend? If you are, what does it say about your tastes and
values? If there is no discernible trend, what does that say about you?

You can get your own DNA analyzed. DNA markers may be assessed
inexpensively from a drop of blood or saliva. Genetic tests available to
the general public range from just under $100 to several hundred
(Pollack, 2006). Typically customers swab the inside of the cheek to
obtain a DNA sample and mail it to the company for analysis. Analysis of
DNA permits identification of one’s haplogroup. Defined by genetic
markers, haplogroups link members back to a most common ancestor where
the marker first appeared, indicating one’s position on the tree of
early human migrations and genetic evolution. Genetic markers also
facilitate the identification of certain genetic inheritances that make
one prone to particular disorders or illnesses. However, professional
guidance is recommended to help one evaluate the accuracy of this
information and how it be used.

3. According to Buss and other
evolutionary psychologists, behavior patterns we see today are patterns
that survived in our ancestors because they were more successful than
other behaviors. They prevailed out of evolutionary necessity and
therefore became hardwired into our genetic makeup. How do you see this
theory playing out in your life? Apply this theory to behavioral
patterns you see between different ethnicities, races, classes, and
genders. For example, does prejudice exist out of some natural
imperative? How could this theory inform the way you approach people of a
different economic class? How would this theory explain your
self-destructive tendencies, behaviors that don’t promote good health
and survival, such as eating high-fat foods, drinking alcohol, smoking,
and not getting enough sleep?
Second set of question Initial posts
must be a minimum of 500 words A minimum of one APA 7 in-text citation
APA 7 source/reference citation at the bottom of the post After reading Modules 60-69, discuss the following:Compare and contrast historical and contemporary criteria used to identify a behavior as abnormal.

Third set question After reading Modules 60-69, develop an essay on the following:

Discuss the history of psychotherapy and how it has been regarded over time. Support your answer.

the text as your guide. Your assignment must be at least 700-1000 words
and must include at least three (3) in-text citations. The sections
should be clearly marked with headings, so your instructor knows which
points you are addressing. Follow APA 7 Student Essay formatting
guidelines. The title page and references page do not count towards the
minimum word count for this assignment.