Writing Homework Help

East West University Vish Puri Multidimensional Character, Character Analysis Discussion


pick one from Mega Dogra, Mummy-ji, Vish Puri. Write a paper IN CLASS analyzing this character. For each claim, provide evidence from the book! (1 page minimum)

Include the following:

  • Character traits
  • Motivations
  • Connection to the themes of the book
  • Why you picked this character
  • Characters in good literature are complex, multidimensional, controversial. Is this character complex, multidimensional, controversial? Why or why not? Provide evidence from the book.
  • miscellaneous – what else would you like to add?

character traits: accurate and detailed

motivations: accurate and detailed

connections to the themes of the book

miscellaneous, your opinion: original, interesting

use of evidence from text