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Vitor Valley College Preschool Feelings Theme and Physical Wellness Paper


Please edit this document. Needs to reflect the “preschool feelings theme “. Please research what preschool feelings theme is.Need more details- need to explain more how it connects to your specific preschool feelings. Can tell did have some thought into Anti-Bias and but need more specific examples. Need more details on some items that connect to your theme . Need more details and connect to your feelings theme

Seanna Lackey

Vitor Valley College



Preschool Feelings Theme

Children’s emotional and physical wellness is important when it comes to selecting the playing activities. Some factors and strategies are considered essential when coming up with the right events that the children will be engaged in. When it comes to identifying and developing suitable activities, lots of testing and evaluation are done to reach the participating students’ best fit. The challenging and most daunting part is when allocating the children to activities that best suit them. Before reaching the allocation part of there are factors that are taken into account to ensure an optimal outcome (Hall, 1998).

The first factor that should be considered the type of game that interests the kids most, which takes most of their interest in the set of activities provided. Allowing the child to pick out the activity he prefers will ensure that engagement is optimal. The other activities will then gradually be introduced to the kids when bored with the initial activities and are likely to try new ones.

The other equally important factor is the child’s age. This is important as the kids tend to have different preferences as they grow. This will enable the educator to know the exact type of activity and level the child will engage in.

The activities are vital to the kids as they are exposed to many different concepts and ideas that enable them to grow their mental abilities by learning new vocabularies associated with activities they are engaged in. The gradual exposure and interaction in the playgroups are directly proportional to their learning abilities later in life (Hall, 1998).

The basic concepts in the theme will ensure that the children receive numerous benefits involved in the process. The children are made to openly interact and express themselves as the process gives them decent time to build their confidence and freely express what they feel. Previous studies have shown that most children are not given a chance to express themselves and are rather in a state of nervousness. The few who are given a chance to express themselves have proved to be more confident.

This theme’s relevance is proven because it allows the children to connect with daily activities. Children learn well when they are engaged in activities, which further proves the children’s suitability and well-being the children’s ability to express themselves during the class when answering different questions. Moreover, acquiring the courage to talk to their parents and teachers freely on how they feel comprises the daily activities they engage in both at school and home; this connects the activities at home and school (Hall, 1998).

The instructor can ask them to compare and contrast the activities, enabling them to assure the children’s confidence and support them emotionally. Most children tend to shy away and are not free to answer some of the issues if their safety and confidence are not affirmed, so setting them free and making them confide in you is important. For example, most children across all age groups often fail to open up on matters unless they are comfortable, absolute security, and secrecy are assured. Addressing them in a friendly manner when engaging them is one way of demonstrating their safety and increasing their confidence to express themselves freely.

As an instructor, you must acknowledge and accommodate the diverse cultural differences, families, and communities in this country. This is because the children come from different backgrounds. There should be a balance in handling these types of students as most often are biased and often discriminate against some of the students. This can be achieved through acknowledging that they come from different backgrounds and they should not be ashamed when expressing their ideas as they are bound to be different and unique based on their upbringings. Encouraging them to practice different cultures further increases open-mindedness as they will have different perspectives of it at an early age. Randomizing their activities and their ability to grasp ideas is the best way to test their interest (Hall, 1998).


The kids often express themselves and open up freely when the environment they are in is impartial. So the best approach in this is to engage the students on the biases that exist and how to deal with the exclusion that comes with it. I would make sure that there are practices that are primary to my daily practices.

Self-exploration is the first practice, which will involve examining all the biases and assumptions that exist in different cultures. By doing so, I would explore the different perceptions that the students have of different cultures and communities. Then, I would include and integrate students’ different perspectives into my teaching and lesson plans. This will push me to cover all the constraints associated with culture by including the different teaching curriculum perspectives. Slowly introducing new concepts into the system that will build trust is also essential. Having rules and regulations within the classroom to foster an open and conversation to increase the learning process (Hall, 1998).

Then there is the distribution of roles among the instructors, and children will help prepare the lesson and reduce the anxiety that comes with the learning process. Having a group of individuals that will help set up the place as per the theme will come in handy as it reduces the work that I have to do to ensure everything is compatible and of the right quality (Hall, 1998).

I would ensure the learning environment is conducive as I will have charts that display different things from emotions, figures, naming charts, and ones with different languages. Having these charts will enhance their learning as they will be acting as eye-openers, and it will expound their thinking. Little children have no idea that one thing can have different names due to their lack of diverse knowledge. Having charts with different languages and exposing them early to these different languages will ensure that the children will not look down upon their colleagues when expressing themselves in different languages or culturally different from what they know (Hall, 1998). To ensure that the charts are fully exploited and bring out the best, I would make sure each child gets to read the charts and see the responses I get and their cultural reactions. This will reduce the bias that exists within the children as they would have expressed themselves in various languages and participated in some culture. It will also make sure there is no discrimination and racism among the students.

The environmental decoration will be an open league as the students will be allowed to contribute anything that will represent their culture. This will be achieved through encouraging group sharing and discussion on the diversity of the cultures. The naming charts would include animals, plants, places, body parts, and many more things that the children would love to share (Hall, 1998).

The theme will also include different marionettes of different skin colors and other bodily features that represent different communities and their cultures’ dressing. Lastly, I will make sure to have a support system that will standby if any activity needs to be adjusted to suit the students.


Approaches or methods used in executing the activities will be best suited to ensure that the developmental impact on their capabilities is high. Different techniques will be used to facilitate the activities, including personalization, incorporation, and modification of different materials to suit their purpose. Incorporation would be the accommodation of the diverse cultural differences and perceptions. To effectively utilize this, I would use pictures, drawing books, crayons, and colored pencils to boost their urge to participate in the activities (Hall, 1998).

Personalization is another key factor that will be used in executing these activities. In this approach, there will be an individual who will interact with the kids as a process of incorporation. This person will represent a given cultural diversity and give an individual account and reflection on their cultural perspective and how people perceive their culture. He will also emphasize the importance of having a culturally diverse schooling system. He will also encourage kids and tell them captivating stories and be free to ensure that they are free to share the visitor’s content.

Creating an environment that will enable the students to be involved actively and directly is important. The teacher will make the children have roles that will make them participate. This will foster the learning process as the children will talk to each other and identify the similarities and differences between their communities. The children should be accorded the freedom to interact freely to create an environment that will make them share their stories freely without fear of reprimand or even the anxiety of having a teacher around. These will enable them to appreciate the many different cultures in our country and live more harmonious co-existent (Hall, 1998).

Expansion and extension are a method that uses the divergent questions that allow you to explore different children’s actions and reasoning. All these methods compounded together will ensure success in the various stages of the theme and the activities that are set to be used. The whole process’s primary goal is to ensure that there is a sense of security within the students to enable learning without anxiety or pressure.


Hall, N. (1998). Creative Resources for the Anti-Bias Classroom 1st Edition (1st ed.). Albany, NY: Delmar Publisher