Writing Homework Help

Seattle Central College Institutionalized Ethnocentrism and Treatment of Palestinians Paper


Hello, I’m looking for a draft of a paper that contains a minimum of 600 words that primarily focuses on the institutional ethnocentrisms and subjugation of Palestinians. The context is,

“In many ways the Israel/Palestine conflict parallels and echoes the history of the United States. There is a similar cultural unconscious as in the phrase “a land without people for a people without land.” Both Israel and the United States are fundamentally settler-colonial states which displaced their indigenous populations through violent means. Just as the U.S. Declaration of Independence refers to native peoples as “merciless savages” so too are the native Palestinians often portrayed as “terrorists” in Israel and the U.S. when they act to resist the the theft of their homes and lands.

If you follow current mass media coverage in the U.S. you will be given the impression that the conflict is between two equal and intransigent parties. This false equivalence belies the reality on the ground in which millions of indigenous Palestinians live under Israeli military occupation and are treated as lesser citizens in Israel itself. The United States supports Israel with over 3.5 billion dollars in military aid annually.” I have a few texts that must be used and will help with writing the draft. You don’t have to include every single one, but please use at least two. Feel free to incorporate your own sources, as well! Thank you.



