Writing Homework Help

MTC Idea of Thought and Existence Essay


https://learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com/5af6ed3646f67/12563023?X-Blackboard-Expiration=1633122000000&X-Blackboard-Signature=GE9d5KWqGhp%2BuoxPAhKArray5mOjfxYFycKt20bjJT8%3D&X-Blackboard-Client-Id=100917&response-cache-control=private%2C%20max-age%3D21600&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%27GRADING%2520RUBRIC.pdf&response-content-type=application%2Fpdf&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20211001T150000Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=21600&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAZH6WM4PL5SJBSTP6%2F20211001%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=0f7482aca954861afb668586ac6ded40a11e8c53104a63d3976c6c59d95e476b Begin with an introduction that orients readers to your topic, and that contains the underlined statement of
what you believe to be the writer’s main idea. Then provide a brief preview of what’s coming up in the rest of
your paper. You might have a sentence such as “In the article_____, the main idea the writer wants to state
o Provide at least four (4) body paragraphs that summarize how you believe the writer supports their main
idea. Each paragraph should contain these four parts:
1. Main idea: A clear topic sentence; you could use a sentence such as “One of the ways the writer
supports this is by…”
2. Evidence: Support for the topic sentence. This is where you will summarize how you believe the writer
supports their main idea, and usually contains examples, explanations, and the like from the source. You
are limited to one direct quote per paragraph; the rest should be your own words. You might say
something like, “For example the writer asserts_____.”
3. Analysis: Help readers understand how the evidence supports the topic sentence. Here, you might have
sentences that look like this: “What the writer is telling us is…” or “Perhaps what the writer is trying to
get across is…” and so forth. Do not simply repeat the evidence in different words. If you mention a
study that says “Fifty-eight percent believe…” don’t follow up with “This means the majority believe…”
4. Transition: A link to the next body paragraph; the transition is a bridge, sometimes both summarizing
and previewing. “Now with an understanding of___, a further point is___.”
We will devote a bit of class time to talking about M.E.A.T.
★This is important: Any information you use from the source—either quoted, summarized, or paraphrased—
needs to be acknowledged with a clear signal phrase. The easiest way to do this is “According to…” but
please experiment and make use of the templates found in your textbook on pages 41-42.
o End with a conclusion that: Reinforces what you believe is the writer’s main idea, provides a brief summary of
your essay, and provides a personal reaction to the issue discussed in the source. Say not only what you
think, feel, or believe, but why. You might have (a) sentence(s) that look like, “I agree with the writer when
they say_____because_____ .” THIS IS THE ARTICLE https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-inner-voice…