Writing Homework Help

UCLA Native American Creation Stories vs Science Discussion



[Source:”Bones of Contention”: Battling for Human Dignity at the Salina Indian Burial Pit]

The Tewa people, a group of Pueblo Indians of the Rio Grande Valley in New Mexico, have orally handed down a story of their from generation to generation. According to the Tewa’s Mole story, their ancestors lived underground in darkness until a mole guided them out. When they first came out to the surface of the earth, they were blinded by the light and couldn’t decide what to do. Another animal, Old Spider Woman, spoke to them and encouraged them to move their hands from their eyes slowly in order to see. She taught them how to survive and how to find their home. By the time they reached their new home, only one man and one woman were left. From these two, the Tewa originated. The Old Spider-Woman is known as the grandmother of the earth and of all living things.

There are no written records from that time period, so the story is considered a myth. While there is no scientific evidence, modern science and the origin story are not totally incompatible.

To complete the Discussion activity, please do the following:

  • Write two paragraphs that answer the following questions:
    • How well do you think science and Native American origin stories can be reconciled?
    • How well do you think Native Americans believe science can prove affiliations between Native American tribes?
    • What type of source is the video (primary or secondary)?
    • What, if any, good reasoning and/or fallacies (causal, generalizations, analogies, testimonials, relevance, ad hominin arguments, and teleological fallacies) would be apparent in using the video as a source? Provide examples.