Writing Homework Help

GCCCD Actions of A Buddhist Monk Who Killed a Maniac Paper


There is a story of a Buddhist monk who was on a ship with a maniac who was killing everyone on board. The monk eventually decided to kill the man in order to prevent further harm of others on board. Do you think this conforms with the principles set out in Buddhism? Why or why not? How do you think karma and compassion come into play in this story? 

~ Essays will be graded on the following criteria: a) evidence that the factual material called for in the question is presented and documented; b)coherence of the essay in organization and structure; c)ability to engage critically and analytically with the topic d) evidence of creative thinking; e) correct annotation of sources and presentation of bibliography; f) correct spelling, punctuation and grammar ~Use at least two different peer reviewed sources to help substantiate the points. One of the sources should come from one of the assigned readings, and one other source to come from outside our course texts. When providing these sources, you must use the Chicago (CMS) Style