Writing Homework Help

Florida International University The Elevator Pitch Paper


Before you start this assignment, be sure to read and watch the assigned materials. In particular, read the article “12 Steps to a Perfectly Prepared Elevator Pitch.”( https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/12-steps-perfectly-…

A significant part of your grade will be based on how well your elevator pitch follows the guidelines found in that article.After reading/watching the assigned materials, complete the assignment by:

1.Write a script to introduce yourself to a businessrelated potential contact that youhavenotalready met so that you can do one of the following:a.set up an interview for ajob;b.invite the person for a business lunch orcoffee;c.get an email address so that you can connect onLinkedIn;d.acquire permission to set up a salespresentation;e.gain agreement to accept a trial product orservice;f.or some other purpose from a businessperspective.2.Seek feedback from friends, family, colleagues, etc. on your script and refineit accordingly.

Assignment Formatting Submit as a PDFfile upload. Document should use Times New Roman 12point font. Length of assignment is one page.