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EDUC 200 LUO Celebrating Diversity Prisons as Repositories & False Confessions Essay


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Here are two examples:”After reading the following sites, my thought is that society needs to do a much better job in caring for people who cannot take care of themselves. Both of the articles talk about the effect that for-profit prisons have within society. Based off of what I read, prisons should not be used for profit. This is because for-profit prisons are prone to human rights violations and they over criminalize people, thus doing more harm than good. Take the situation of Kelly Green, for example. As mentioned in the article, Kelly Green experienced innumerable mental health issues but was still sentenced to prison, where his mental health deteriorated. While in prison, he was not provided with any treatment for his mental health issues, but rather humiliated and taunted by prison staff (Southern Poverty Law Center, 2016). This is the case of tens of thousands of people throughout the United States. According to MSNBC, “America’s prisons house ten times more people with mental illnesses than hospitals” (MSNBC, 2014). This is an ongoing problem because people with mental health issues are not getting the help they need, and instead, being subjected to inhumane treatment and isolation from society.

As a society, we desperately need to improve in care we provide to people that cannot take care of themselves. We should be providing resources that help these people, rather than dehumanizing them and making them feel as if they are less than a person. Health, education, and safety programs should be implemented to help these people lead healthier lives and live amongst society. Accomodations for people with disabilities, like assistive technologies, should be used within businesses and institutions. According to the CDC, “AT’s can help enhance functional independence and make daily living tasks easier” (CDC). Regarding mentally ill individuals, we need to be investing more into mental health programs. These can include wellness programs, school-based intervention, and affordable treatment for mental illness (Marquez, 2020). Both the state, local, and federal government should help fund these services because they have some of the highest positions and our serving our communities, and are looking after us. I would not mind paying higher taxes so we can provide these services to ensure better lives and humane treatment of people who cannot care for themselves or have issues. The steps that should be taken are to invest more in these programs, educate people and spread awareness on the importance and ending the stigma, and promoting these services out to the community. “

“After reading the sites I believe prisons shouldn’t be for profit. I think that because when any company has a business model that they make revenue when beds are filled, they are going to just fill the beds and not care about who fills them. An issue that arises is that a for profit prison may cut staff pay or cut corners to keep more money, but that would sacrifice cleanliness for inmates and inhumane conditions. Therefore, prisons should not be for profit. Societies role in protecting those who cannot care for themselves is to help them in any way possible, that may be as a government to put more funding into the prison system. As a tax payer I would be happy to pay taxes for facilities, but the system as it is wouldn’t improve even if there would be more funding because they would find a way to redirect it. There is a distrust in the system and the people, so if they changed the system format to make it more streamlined so the tax payers would know exactly where their money went then I think a lot more people would be okay paying extra taxes for it. Now while I am okay paying taxes, I don’t believe that it should be warranted. That is because the government should fund it, I believe that because as I said before, as a society we should help those who cannot take care of themselves, that means the government as well. The amount of debt that keeps rising per year is insane, and if they keep running it up like there is no tomorrow, then why not use if for good and help the people.


https://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/062215/business-model-private-prisons.asp (Links to an external site.)
