Writing Homework Help

Mesa Child Development Covid 19 how Did Affect Teacher Job Relationship Essay


Out of the Box Relationship Essay (50 points)We are in the midst of Coronavirus-19 aka Covid-19. It is traumatic for all involved for many reasons. I am confident it will be considered an Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) for the children involved. I would like you to read these two articles on ACEs so you have a better understanding:https://eclkc.ohs.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/…https://www.publicschoolsfirstnc.org/resources/fact-sheets/aces-and-resilience-what-can-we-do/As teachers you will be called upon to work with children who have this experience and most likely 60% of those you work for have another ACEs or more. These greatly affect children and one of the things they really need is to have a caring relationship with at least one person in their lives. Some may not get that at home. Teachers are an important part of helping children with ACEs cope with their experiences and to establish a caring relationship so they know they can trust someone and that someone is there for them.Based on the above, I would like you to write a 4 to 5 page essay on relationships between a teacher and the children she/he teaches and how these relationships effect the child. Please cover why these relationships are critical to the development of the child and how they lead to quality child education. Explain why it is critical now during Covid-19 that you do what you can to forge that relationship. You may use examples you have observed or practiced in the classroom.Use your text especially Chapter 15 and the Reality Check on Relationship Based Care, and Chapter 13 Reality Check on Vulnerability and Resilience. Then read following information on relationships with children:https://www.acf.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/opre/n…6_b508compliant.pdf