Writing Homework Help

Anti Racism and Genetic Science Research Paper


INSTRUCTIONS:Each week, you will be asked to write two portfolio entries during our synchronous meetings /in-person meetings (one during your scheduled discussion section meeting and another during our Friday weekly review class). After Friday’s meeting, combine your two portfolios into one file and upload the document to the submission portal. Screenshots or scans of (legible) hand written entries should be converted to a .pdf or readable file. Please do not use external links to pages (convert the entry to .doc file that can be uploaded).

ASSESSMENT: This is not an assignment but rather an in-class activity that you are uploading to canvas for your participation grade. You will NOT be graded on the basis of a “right” or “wrong” answer but rather the extent your entry demonstrates active and thoughtful reflection in response to the portfolio prompt (short half-thought-out paragraphs will be considered incomplete). Think of portfolios as (extremely) low stakes quizzes, with the class discussion that follows serving as an immediate and extensive answer key. You do not need to revise your answer if in your entry did not fully capture a concept or idea from class readings. Yet, if you find you are having difficulty focusing during class, then you may consider returning to watch the session recording and doing the portfolio at a later time.

ASYNCHRONOUS PARTICIPATION: If, due to extraneous circumstances, you are unable to attend the class meeting synchronous meeting time, you may complete the portfolio entries as you watch the Zoom video. Links and videos to all session meetings will be embedded in the “Session Materials” tab at the end of each weekly module.