Writing Homework Help

PU Psychology Structure of Humorous Discourse Analysis


I need help with a Psychology question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

In this paper, you will analyze the theories of humor (from Morreall’s book) as seen in a comedic example of your own choosing.  You may choose a movie, an episode of a TV series, a stand-up comedian or another type of example. Do not spend more than two paragraphs describing the scene, movie or example!  The paper is to be an analysis of the humor, not a review of how much you liked the movie or program, or how popular it is (or the box-office record it may have set, etc.).

Describe, in your own words, your understanding of how the theories in John Morreall’s book, Comic Relief: A Complete Philosophy of Humor are seen in your example.  The main theories to consider are: Superiority, Incongruity, Relief and Relaxation. You may also briefly discuss what we will study in Rod Martin’s book, The Psychology of Humor and you may touch on Grice’s Rules of Conversation, but those should not be the focal point of your paper. The main focus should be your analysis of how the theories in John Morreall’s philosophy book are seen in your example.