Writing Homework Help

Trinity Western University Kirk Franklin Gospel Music History Essay


Gospel Music

Kirk Franklin

  • The goal of this paper is to provide in-depth research into the personal history, musical characteristics, and cultural influences of a chosen artist, performance technique, or musical genre studied in this course.
    • The paper should clearly describe specific traits that signify its placement in a specific genre of music. These characteristics could be from the lyrics, the musical form, the instruments used, style of performance in vocals or instruments, tempos, dynamics, technology etc.
    • If the music/artist regularly breaks normal expectations, describe how the music goes beyond the expected genre pattern.
    • Large quotes, lyrics, or relevant music examples are accepted, but should be used sparingly.
  • It is expected that the student will use proper grammar, punctuation, and citation of sources used to write this paper.
  • Minimum of 3 pages in length (not including Bibliography & Discography)
  • Helvetica, Arial Font, or Calibri, size 12
  • Double spaced
  • Margins 1
  • Minimum of 3 scholarly resources in the bibliography
  • Minimum of 2 songs or pieces listed in the discography
  • References/Bibliographies are not included in the page count.
  • Chicago Manual of Style using the Notes & Bibliography style for all citations and footnotes.

Formatting Requirements:

Citation & Resource Requirements:

Annotated Bibliography/Discography Assignment:

  • An annotated bibliography is a list of all your resources with a short summary that describes the content/quality of each resource.
  • A Discography is a list of all the songs or pieces of music that will be discussed in your paper.
    • Each scholarly resource (minimum of 3) should be listed in the correct bibliography or discography format
    • Each resource requires 2-3 sentences describing the content of that particular source.
    • The discography is separate from the bibliography.

General Outline Assignment:

  • Create a general outline using bullet points for your paper or composition summary.
  • This outline should include the following:
    • Introduction – This part should list your thesis statement or topic.
    • Main body –This should be the biggest section and include with several descriptions & general ideas about your topic.
    • Conclusion