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Home Intercultural Communication Applying Concepts to a Culture Discussion


You are apart of the dog owner culture. Apply these three concepts to any aspects of being in the dog owner culture :

  • Apply the following three concepts to some aspect of your CPC(Class Proclaimed Culture):
    1. The full Stimulus-Response Model (Stimulus-Intelligence-Response)
    2. The full perception process (Select, Organize, and Interpret)
    3. The Standpoint Theory
  • Address the three concepts separately, in three different paragraphs, and in order. Double-space between each paragraph to indicate the change to the next concept.

Must be 400-800 words


What I will use for myself is the dog owner culture as my CPC. I grew up with dogs and have now had my dog for over 12 years. My dog is honestly like my right arm, I feel very lost without her. As time has gone on people have made their pets more and more like humans in their lives opposed to just animals and that is how I feel about my dog. The dog owner culture is is made up of anyone who has a dog and treats it within the boundaries of a very important part of their life.

People in the dog culture range from any ethnicity, age, demographic, and breed. There is no set rule for this culture but it is known without discussion that in the dog culture your dog is one of your top priorities. The dog culture can be found throughout anywhere in the US, with over 70 million US homes owning a dog. I know this because of some research I did on my own prior to this assignment about dog owners for another class.

There are also sub cultures within the dog culture. This can be bred specific or it can be based on the area. When we look at San Diego alone, it is known to be a place where dog culture is huge. Most places you go are going to be dog friendly and are going to embrace the dog culture, some restaurants even have dog menus. No matter on the city, town, or state there will be a community of dog owners who are a part of the dog owner culture.

I would title dog owners as a low context culture. There is lots of communication, engagement and verbal cues between dogs and owners as well as within the dog owner culture. You wouldn’t just meet someone and know oh they have a dog unless that open line of communication happened and you would discover they were part of your culture. Bonding over pictures of animals, petting each other dogs, and telling stories about your pets to one another is a large part of dog owner culture. You want to be open and friendly and participative when a part of the dog owner culture, one can not just assume they are a part of it just by walking into the dog part.

There is a huge piece of camaraderie in the dog culture. People want the connections, they want the relationships between other dog owners. It is a culture that is warm, welcoming, and always happy to see another dog owner become a part of it.