Writing Homework Help

PCC The Parents in An Early Education Classroom Newsletter


For this assignment, you are to design a 2-sided newsletter that you would send to parents of children in an early education classroom (Birth- age 5).  This should be a MONTHLY newsletter. Please be sure your information is reflected that way. Your newsletter needs to be developmentally appropriate, and can include things such as recognizing individuals who have contributed to your classroom over the last month,  photos and/or work samples,  reminders, important dates, birthdays,  home activities, calendar or events, etc.  It must be grammatically correct!!  You need to include some sort of opportunity for 2 way communication. Think about how to incorporate a parents response or reply, and don’t forget to include contact information. In addition, please see the ideas from page 216 in your textbook.  This needs to be in color!!   I am expecting professional, high quality work.  You may want to research various templates.  One I have found is at http://www.2care2teach4kids.com/basicnewsletters.html  You can also use a template loaded into your word documents.