Writing Homework Help

Bucharest University of Economic Advantages of Working for A Company Questions


Michael is a personable and charming young EU citizen and a committed, qualified and talented + professional gardener. His girl-friend has just left him because he (yet) refused to settle down, get married and found a family. Now he wants to explore gardens (and other aspects of life) in other European countries and therefore live and work for a while abroad. In his national monthly gardener journal he reads a job offer of a big national gardening company which pro- vides gardener’s services all over the European Union and sends its national employees to inter- esting foreign places to do the job. Michael is excited but wants to know if there are other options for him, in particular opened up by the economic fundamental freedoms in the EU. What options does he have, due to what fundamental freedoms, and where are they guaranteed? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each particular option?

so this is the the case study and the questions , what I need is a one paragraph of answers to these questions regarding to the case study .