Writing Homework Help

Theory on Love Styles Soul Mates Romantic Destiny or Myth Discussion


We often hear the process of choosing a life partner referred to as “finding your soulmate.” But what does this really mean? And how do we go about finding this elusive creature, if he/she really exists? We’ll explore this cliché in the following activity.

  • Do you believe in the idea of a soulmate? Why or why not?
  • What do you look for in a mate? Would you be willing to settle for less? Why or why not?
  • Do you believe John Lee’s Theory on Love Styles depicts your particular love? What about your spouse or mate’s love style? Are they the same or different?
  • Do you see the changes in dating and courtship as a positive or negative? Has technology had a positive or negative effect on dating? How?
  • What do you think is the best source (family member, friend, mall, college campus, work, church, etc.) for finding a mate? Why?

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Required Course Materials

Title: Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society

ISBN: 9781337109666 (Print) | 9781337516174 (eText)

Authors: M. A. Lamanna, A. Riedmann, and S. Stewart

Publisher: Cengage Learning

Publication Date: 2018

Edition: 13th