Writing Homework Help

ASU Benzoic Acid Extraction Lab Report


I would like to write a discussion part for lab report.

This the guidelines for writing a discussion part:

Discussion: written in past passive or present verb tense ( double space)

• Purpose of the experiment (1-2 sentences) and discussion of differences in solubility for an
organic acid (benzoic acid) and an organic base (benzoate)

  • The difference in polarity of the two chemicals in your mixture (naphthalene and benzoic acid)and the change of solubility of the polar protic compound in terms of IMFs
  • Discuss the immiscible liquids used in the experiment (water and ether, IMFs again); Discuss how extraction works based on the difference in solubility of the specific compounds you used and the polarity of the solvents used during the experiment, density
  • Discuss the acid-base chemistry performed (reactions, include what you observed when adding HCl)
  • Discussion of melting point (have to include result here) and purity of the isolated
  • compounds, give the possible reason if isolated solid is impure

  • Recovery: is it high, low; why you have >100% or <100%; what you learn from these number? Overall is it successful?