Humanities Homework Help

SDSU American Ideas of Racial Hierarchy in The Late 19th Century Discussion


Can you please just do a response to this persons discussion post following the guidelines below. I attached resources to so you can site the example, you only have to use one. Students discussion (Benjamin) :

The American ideas of racial hierarchy were so important in the late 19th century U.S. because they allowed the federal government to justify Western and extra expansion which was wanted for international and economic success. The Federal Government encouraged expansion and territorial acquisition into native land through political moves such as the Homestead Act despite native opposition and war because it would lead to a better economic position for the country. “More land came into cultivation in the thirty years after the Civil War than in the previous two and a half centuries of American history”(Foner, GML, 488). The government used the notion of racial hierarchy to overlook the lives of natives in search for land and wealth. The government did not need to even state the hierarchy of whites to the public during this time. Although slavery was abolished, it was in the countries recent past still, and equal rights issues were heavily swayed in the unequal direction. In an issue of Puck Magazine from 1899, the illustrator, Louis Dalrymple, offers an image of Uncle Sam scolding children representing foreign lands including Puerto Rico, Cuba, and Hawaii. African Americans, Natives, and the Chinese are also depicted separate from the whites. The blackboard behind the students reads. “The U.S. must govern its new territories with or without their consent until they can govern themselves”(Dalrymple, Puck Magazine, 9) . The U.S. used the ideas of racial hierarchy to justify unfair and cruel acquisition of foreign lands that it had no right of ownership to. The idea that those different to American whites were unequal allowed horrible treatment without problem from the American public.

  • Compose a thoughtful and respectful response to ONE of the discussion threads created by other students.
  • Begin your response with a clear thesis statement that responds directly the post AND to the original question, AND establishes a plausible line of argument to support this claim. (your response must do all three things to earn full credit)
  • Next, develop at least ONE concrete example to support your argument, drawing from the assigned course materials.
  • Please cite each of your sources using a simple parenthetical citation form, including author’s last name, abbreviated title, and page. E.g.: (Davidson and Lytle, ‘View from the Bottom Rail,’ 275), or (D&L, ‘VftBR,’ 275).
  • Responses must be at least 100 words in length. Please use full sentences. (1pt for format criteria – see Grading Rubric and Abbreviations)