Business Finance Homework Help

University of California Face of Digital Disruption Eastman Kodak Company Discussion


  • Find an example of a business forecast that turned out to be completely wrong.  What happened? What did the forecaster fail to anticipate? Finally, what were the consequences of the failed prediction(s)?
  • In your own experience as a customer, can you think of a time when a company certainly (or almost certainly) lost money on a specific transaction with you?  If so, what happened? Write about the experience and speculate as to whether the company’s assessment of your Customer Lifetime Value could have played a role.
  • Using the def keyword, write an original function in Python.  Describe the purpose of your function in words, and demonstrate the way it generates output based on user input.  (you may either upload an HTML file generated in Jupyter Notebook that includes your code, results, and written statements, or a screenshot of your results in Jupyter along with your written statements  — either way is fine).