Humanities Homework Help

UU Legacies of Colonization Concentration of Power and Wealth Analysis


I’m working on a geography question and need support to help me learn.

Chapter 3 

Legacies of Colonization: Concentration of Power and Wealth

Background: Colonization deeply affected Middle and South America in a variety of ways.  Colonization created a new racial/ethnic composition in the region, established a pattern of dominance by an elite, formed dependence on the export of raw materials, generated unequal distribution of wealth where underdevelopment remains.

Instructions: Using your text (WORLD REGIONAL GEOGRAPHY W/OUT SUBREGIONS, 8th Edition) and any reliable media source, answer the following questions. Your answer should be approximately 1 paragraph for each of the 3 questions.

  • Describe how the native populations in this region were affected by colonization.
  • What are some of the numerous effects of the concentration of wealth, power, and land? Consider the effects on the elite minority as well as the poor majority.
  • How might recent shifts in politics and elections in this region affect wealth distribution and concentration of power?