Humanities Homework Help

Acadia University Sociology Can Science Be Ethical by Design Essay


Write a 2000 word essay (not including bibliography) that engages with a specific case of science/technology. This can include such things as genetics, biotechnology, artificial intelligence, machine learning, architecture, automobiles, bicycles, fossil fuels, geoengineering, environmental services, the internet, etc. The point is: you need to illustrate your answer with a  well researched case that you use to address the prompt. 

  • If nature is socially constructed, can it be saved?
  • How should care-work be incorporated to the training of future scientists and rewarded in their careers?
  • Is it possible to make ‘fair’ technologies?
  • Can science be ethical by design?
  • Can technology solve moral problems?
  • Should we defend experts, or should we defend expertise?