Humanities Homework Help

California State University Long Beach Autonomy and the Factors Necessary for it to Exist Essay


Please watch this video all of the instructions for the essay will be on Youtube video:

This essay will talk about autonomy and please do not QUOTE in this essay. This is simply more explanations.


Autonomy is the self-governance of an individual. Being able to live in accordance with your beliefs and values, not having to rely on others in order to live life. Living autonomously means living a life you truly believe is worth living. There are multiple factors that are involved in autonomy such as, capacities, options, beliefs, desires and the structure in which they are placed. Having an understanding and control over these factors is crucial for individuals to claim themselves as an autonomous individual.
Capacity relates to reasoning, self-knowledge, emotional awareness, and self-control. Comprehending what these are and utilizing them efficiently leads to autonomy. For example, reasoning deduces to being able to weigh your beliefs and values and act accordingly. As one grows up we learn how to make better choices, such as looking both ways before crossing the road. Both internal and external forces help us develop our reasoning as we age, we learn what may reap benefits for us and what may be harmful, what follows our values and what strays from them. Self-knowledge involves frimley knowing information about yourself. How can one be autonomous if they do not know anything about themselves? Simple, they can’t. Another great word for self-knowledge is self-awareness. Being aware of your strengths and weaknesses can lead you to make decisions accordingly and live in a manner that will move you forward. Emotional awareness is similar to self-knowledge, instead of knowing weaknesses and strengths, you know how your feelings work. If you know that you get angry and salty in competitive games, maybe don’t play competitively with friends so as to not ruin the mood afterwards. It’s as simple as identifying and predicting your emotions in different scenarios to help you make more rational decisions. Lastly, self-control relates to having control over yourself. A well known example about self-control is the “one more cookie” scenario. After opening a fresh pack of cookies, you eat some and knowing how bad they are for your health you say “one more” whether you eat one more or keep saying “one more” is the difference of having self-control. Complete self-control may not be necessary but enough should be present that you can act accordingly to your values.
Options are required in order for someone to act autonomously. Having options on a car to buy will allow you to pick the one that best aligns with your values. However, say that instead of multiple cars to pick from, there is now one car in the lot. Well, now you don’t have options on buying a car, it is diminishing your ability to act autonomously due to external factors.
Getting your beliefs and desires in order is a priority if someone seeks autonomy. You cannot live an autonomous life if you yourself do not know what type of life you want to live. Your beliefs should be accurate as to what you stand for and the type of life you want to live. More than likely you will have multiple beliefs and desires, however some will be stronger than others, those strong ones will dictate the decisions you make. A quick example could be choosing to exercise or going to an event where a renowned chef will be. You cheated out your workout yesterday, but your life long goal is to become a chef. The chef desire will greatly outweigh the exercise, stronger desires and beliefs impact your options and decision making.
Let us take Indigo into consideration, we already know that Indigo is normally an autonomous person, that is to say she already possesses those factors discussed earlier. But how exactly would she go about making a major decision in her life such as changing her major? Well Indigo would have to know what her capacities are. Being able to make rational decisions, take her knowledge about herself (strengths, weaknesses, and emotions) into consideration as well as her self-control. With all these in mind she would be able to rule out options, perhaps she does not work well with others, therefore she would choose a major that leads to a job where she depends mainly on herself. Or perhaps she is interested in anatomy, she may consider physiology or biology. Point is, Indigo will be choosing her new major based on the knowledge she possesses about herself and assuring it falls within her beliefs and desires.
Other people can definitely influence how people make decisions, autonomous people are not excluded. Let’s say that Indigo had settled on biology, but her parents had always drilled into her head about a finance major growing up. Indigo may not want to disappoint the two people in her life that gave her continuous support and made college a reality for her, she may be tempted to sacrifice biology for finance.
Factors other than people can also influence Indigo’s decision. What if the job market for biologists is at an all time low? Indigo would have to debate on whether she is willing to take that risk. Graduating with a degree in biology only to be unemployed. She would have to figure out how to earn money to live while she searches for a job related to her major and who knows how long that would take. There are several factors that can cause a disturbance towards an autonomous person, learning how to deal with them is critical.