Humanities Homework Help

Central Texas College Important Aspects of a Visual Presentation Responses


Connect with Classmates

Be sure to complete the reading for Module 8 before starting this activity. By Saturday of Module 8, select at least three of your classmates’ presentation plans and, at minimum, respond to the following questions:

  • What do you like most about this presentation? Be specific.
  • How does the author make his or her main idea clear in the presentation? Is there anything the author can do to make the main idea clearer?
  • Which elements of the presentation do you think provide the most effective evidence to support the main idea? Why?
  • Which parts of the presentation do you think could be most improved? What could be done to make them stronger?
  • What is one thing you think the author should consider as he or she revises this presentation? In other words, what would be the one most important revision you think the author should address? Why?
  • Did you notice any documentation or formatting issues? If so, what are they? If you see any errors, please list some specific places where the author needs to make changes.

Your responses to your peers should include evaluative comments that help your classmates revise their presentations for final submission. All comments should be provided in a constructive manner.