Writing Homework Help

ENG 202 GMC A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings by Gabriel García Márquez Ques


Critical Thinking Exercise

This week’s Critical Thinking Exercise focuses on Marquez’ “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings.” Respond to any two of the following four prompts in your main post, and support yourself with a quote/citation from the text at some point in your response:

1) In what ways does this story resemble a fairy tale, myth, or an allegory… and in what ways does it differ? How does the old man differ from our usual conception of angels? How does the story conform to and/or defy expectations?

2) Describe how Marquez’ story is a valid example of magical realism. Then, compare these elements to any of Neruda’s poetry and explain how it differs from surrealism.

3) Compare this story to last week’s “Metamorphosis” in terms of tone, style, use of magic realism, etc. Which one of these more neatly ‘fits’ the definition of magic realism, and why?

4) As you take in the whole story and think about the problem these villagers have on their hands, imagine what any people would do today (for example, in a random small town somewhere in rural America). Would this be considered a pestilence, a miracle, or both? What would people, in your opinion, be most likely to do: help it… kill it…. or or charge admission? Explain your answer.