Writing Homework Help

Is Social Media a Value Neutral Technology Discussion


  1. Is social media a value-neutral technology? (400-500 words)

    • Is social media a value-neutral technology? Does social media have “politics” in Langdon Winner’s sense of the term?
      • (In your analysis, summarize the two ways in which Winner says artifacts have politics.)
    • Present your opposition’s best reasons and evidence against your thesis.
      • (For example, if you argued “yes” above, then what’s the strongest argument from the “no” side of the debate?)
    • Defend your thesis by refuting the opposition’s critique.
    • Write your word count at the end.
  2. Is social media a totalitarian form of social control? (400-500 words)

    • Thesis: Defend, challenge, or qualify the claim that social media is a “totalitarian” form of social control.
      • The thesis answers the essay prompt. Click this link to see what makes strong thesis statement.
    • Analyze the text: Make sure that you thoroughly explain what Marcuse means when he says “contemporary industrial society tends to be totalitarian” (450).
    • Support thesis with evidence: Explain the economic and political forces that control social media technologies. How are they wielding it? For what end(s)?
    • Write your word count at the end.