Humanities Homework Help

CUI The Growth and Role of Cognitive Psychology in The Society Essay


Take an aspect of cognitive psychology that was discussed in class and of personal interest and research the topic thoroughly. This 8-10 page paper may be written in either MLA or APA formats or needs to have sited at least 10 academic book/article/internet references. This information may come from the chapters we have study in class, an analysis of a cognitive psychologist that is of interest to you, or other issues in the world of cognitive psychology with my approval. Some ideas for your paper might be:

-Social relationships

-Family dynamics

-Blended families


-Expression of emotions

-Communication patterns

-Social beliefs and judgments


Humanities Homework Help

PHIL 115 Brookdale Community Determinist Perspective of Sartre Supports Questions


Please answer the following questions:

1. If your friends existed only in your mind, who would you be talking to when you have a conversation with them? What do you think Berkeley would say?

2. Explain what you think Sartre would say about a person with an addiction. Do addictions prove that Sartre is wrong when he claims that people can freely decide which factors will determine their actions?

Please give substantial and thoughtful answers to each of these questions. No outside sources. Quoting the text is a good idea, but make sure to use in-text citation.

Humanities Homework Help

Walden University Is Rehabilitation Worth It Discussion


Can criminals be rehabilitated, or are they doomed to a life of crime? Are some types of offenders more likely to be rehabilitated than others? Are some types of treatment and rehabilitation programs more effective than others? Clearly, these are not easy questions to answer, but they do provide important insights into how the correctional system should operate.

In this Journal, you consider circumstances under which rehabilitation is effective and ineffective. You also examine whether the cost of rehabilitation is worth it.

Write a 300-word Journal response to the following prompts:

  • Under what circumstances is rehabilitation effective?
  • Under what circumstances is rehabilitation ineffective?
  • Is the cost of rehabilitation worth it? Why or why not?

Humanities Homework Help

Florida International University Cultural Influences Discussion


Impact of Culture paper. For the summary of the impact of your culture, address the  following points: (1) how these cultural influences have impacted you, your behavior,  your attitudes, and your belief system; (2) how your cultural influences and experiences might be a barrier and strength for working with a family. 

About me:

I am from a Hispanic white Cuban family which immigrated to Miami in the ’80s. My first language is Spanish I learned English in school. As a child I was in ESOL classes and struggled to learn how to read English which lead to me retaking 3rd grade. Both of my parents are immigrants. My father is a political prisoner who was incarcerated for 10 years and my mother is a single mother of two. My older brother had two children at 17 which required a lot of my mother’s attention. I am the first woman and person in my family to obtain a bachelors degree and be in graduate school all while having a full time job. 

Humanities Homework Help

Pregnancy and Childbirth Interview Questions


I don’t know how to handle this Education & Teaching question and need guidance.

Interview someone who has been through pregnancy and childbirth relatively recently (ideally, within the last five years)

.When conducting the interview, tell the individual that you will be sharing the interview results with your instructor, but that you will not include her name.

Reassure the individual that confidentiality will be maintained and that they may opt to skip any questions that make them uncomfortable.

If you write this paper about your own pregnancy, be sure to write it in a way that the reader does not know it is you.DO NOT USE REAL NAMES in your paper.This purpose of this interview is to understand the importance of prenatal development and the birth experiences (Chapters 2 & 3). This period of the human lifespan sets the stage for all development that follows.

Ask the individual questions that help you learn about the following aspects of pregnancy and childbirth (note: not all questions may relate):

1. Planning for Pregnancy: What, if anything, did the subject do in anticipation of getting pregnant? If it was not planned, what was that like for the woman?

2. Confirming Pregnancy: What were the physical and emotional signs that subject experienced (if any)? How was the pregnancy verified? How long did subject wait to confirm pregnancy?

3. Prenatal Care: How much prenatal care did the individual receive? How was an obstetrician/midwife chosen (if chosen)? How far along in pregnancy was it when subject first saw the midwife/doctor? Any special tests? Advice given by medical personnel regarding: Diet? Weight gain? Exercise? Stress? Teratogens?

4. Family’s Reaction and Advice:How does the subject’s family culture view pregnancy and treat the expectant mother? Did she receive support from father of baby or other individual(s)/partner? What was that like?

5. Changes in Subject’s Life:What was it like to be pregnant? To wear maternity clothes? Physical health? Eating? Emotions and attitudes? Learning about pregnancy and childbirth? Gathering equipment and clothes for the baby? How comfortable or uncomfortable was pregnancy? Any surprises?

6. Delivery Plan: Did the individual have a plan? Why or why not? What was the plan? Did the individual take a tour? What kind of birthing facility? Childbirth classes? Labor coach? Doula?

7. Labor: What were the physical signs that labor was starting (if labor was experienced)? How long was first stage of labor (if experienced)? What kind of medication (if used)? What kind of delivery (vaginal, C-section)? Who was present? Complications? Anything unexpected? What helped during this part of the experience?

8. Baby’s Condition at Birth: What was the baby like after birth? Any problems? Size of baby? What tests were done on the baby? Any special care for the baby?

9. Bonding with Baby: Subject’s feelings immediately after birth about the baby? Who cut the baby’s umbilical cord? What was feeding and caring for the baby like right after birth? Did she feel competent to cope with motherhood? Any baby blues or postpartum depression? What support occurred after birth?NOTE: If a father or other partner is available to interview with the woman for this assignment, you are welcome to get that individual’s perspective. This is not a requirement as there are many different kinds of pregnancies, families, and experiences.

Your Pregnancy Interview Response (This is what you turn in!)

The pregnancy interview paper must contain the three sections below. Please use the provided template (which has been posted in several formats; if you are unable to get one of those to open, contact the instructor immediately).

Section 1 – Interview summary: In the first part of your paper, summarize the responses regarding the 9 topics above. Provide a double spaced paragraph for each topic. Do not write word-for-word what the individual said. Instead, share the highlights and main points for each of the sections. Do not skip any sections and ensure that your summary is thoughtful and thorough. If your subject skipped any questions, please note this. Do not include real names in the paper or any identifying information.

Section 2 – Analysis: After finding out about the mother’s experience, compare what she shared to what you have been learning in the class. This is your analysis section. Make three (3) connections between the interview and the course material. You must cite a page number for each connection. These connections should be specific. This should be one to three paragraphs long.

Section 3 – Application: Lastly, discuss what you learned from doing this interview. You may have learned something about pregnancy or childbirth. You may have learned something about the variety of experiences women may have. Share what you feel was a useful lesson from this interview and how you could use what you learned in your own life or how others could benefit from knowing what you learned. This should be about two paragraphs in length.

Humanities Homework Help

Los Angeles Mission College They’re Biting Painting Discussion


Could this be seen as a metaphor for a child becoming an adult, the evolution from childhood to manhood? Why do you think the artist chose to paint the lines faintly rather than emphatically? Do you think this lends a childlike quality to the overall work?  

Paul klee They're Biting.jpg

This watercolor and oil on paper work by Paul Klee, entitled “They’re Biting,” 1920,  shows a cartoon style scenario of a boy fishing with his dad. The boy has caught a fish, a larger fish is about to take the hook of the father’s line. Following the lines from the fishing rods is a little bit like games found in children’s puzzle books, where the loops and curves must be traced from one symbol to another. Amongst the symbols for fish we also find two recognisable typographic symbols in the full-stop and the exclamation mark. These represent methods of indicating much larger concepts, such as conclusion and surprise, in a very simple abstract way. The exclamation is above a fish that is big enough to swallow both father and son. And what do fish do: big fish eat little fish. A series of events have been set in motion that will reach a final conclusion with the big fish being caught by one of the fishers. The ratio will be reversed and the struggle to land the catch could go ‘either way’.

Humanities Homework Help

HUSS 335 Bryant and Stratton College Social Program Development Paper


To begin, find a human or social services organization in your community that has their goals and objectives available to view on their website.  Then, write an initial post in which you address the following:

  • Share the weblink to the organization you are writing about so that those who are not familiar with the organization have some background information.
  • Identify at least one goal of this program and list the objectives associated with this goal.
  • Evaluate the goal and objectives you listed to determine whether they meet the criteria of the SMART formula.
    • Be specific in your post and make sure to analyze and report on all five aspects of the SMART formula for the goal and objectives.
  • If any part of the program’s goal or objectives do not meet the criteria in the SMART formula, provide specific recommendations for how the goal or objectives could be improved.
  • PART B 
  •  Based on your explanation of the client population you selected in Week 2 and the treatment needs you identified, write a narrative at least 750 words in length in which you address the following:  ·         Generate program objectives for your treatment program.  In so doing, make sure you also:  o   Identify and explain the biggest issues or problems your program will focus on.  Defend why you believe these issues are the most crucial for your program.  o   Summarize and justify the mission of your program.  o   Outline the specific results your program is designed to achieve.  ·         Detail the community-based program you have designed to benefit the client population you identified in Week 2.  In so doing, make sure you:  o   Develop specific steps or interventions your treatment program will utilize to reach its objectives.  o   Justify who will be responsible for facilitating or implementing these steps.  For example:  §  Explain whether you will be the only staff member involved in implementing this program or whether other members of your community or organization will be included.  §  Recommend who should serve as the key players in facilitating the program.  ·         Assess and argue how exactly the various components of your proposed treatment program will address the population’s needs that you identified in Week 2.  ·        

Humanities Homework Help

LC Global Beliefs About Women and Men Question


I’m stuck on a Psychology question and need an explanation.

read article and answer questions 

1. What made this study design (the method they used to collect data) strong?

2. In the first part of the article, the authors review previous studies and their findings. What were two interesting findings/results from the previous studies?

3. What were some of the results from the study?

4. How could this study have been better?

Humanities Homework Help

Adler University Sociology Changing the Mindset E Portfolio


Based on the information gathered during the course within your ePortfolio, submit a 10-page APA formatted paper discussing the chosen organization (Changing the Mindset), any diversity issues you discovered, your recommendations for improvements, and incorporating readings from the class and thoughts on social justice.


Ash, E. (Producer). (2012). Appreciating Diversity (Links to an external site.) [Video]. Seven Dimensions. Human Resource Management Online database.….

Bank of America. (n.d.). The power to strengthen communities (Links to an external site.).…

Chron. (n.d). Diversity for group and teams in the workplace (Links to an external site.).…

Galloway, K. (2018). Rethinking work to embrace diversity (Links to an external site.). Eureka Street, 28(7), 59–61. (Attachment 0.2 MB)

Graves, E. G., Sr. (2018). Have diversity and inclusion become dirty words? (Links to an external site.) Black Enterprise, 48(5), 6. (Attachment 0.7 MB)

Greater Good Magazine. (2011, Jan. 31). Top 10 strategies for reducing prejudices.…

Greater Goods Magazine. (2015, July 15). How groups shape individual judgement (Links to an external site.).…

Jones, J.M., Dovidio, J.F., & Vietze, D.L. (2013). The psychology of diversity: Beyond prejudice and racism (Links to an external site.). John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (Attachment 1.3 MB)… (Ch. 1-13)

Majid Makhdoomi, U., & Ahmad Nika, F. (2017). Workforce diversity and employee performance: An empirical study of telecom organizations (Links to an external site.). Amity Global Business Review, 12, 107–115. (Attachment 1.1 MB)

Nourafshan, A. M. (2018). From the closet to the boardroom: regulating LGBT diversity on corporate boards (Links to an external site.). Albany Law Review, 81(2), 439–487.