
Business Finance Homework Help

BUS 411 Post University Strategic Management Southwest Airlines Case Study


You will need to review the Southwest Airlines case study at the end of Chapter 3 in the
textbook and answer the following questions:

  • What is the link between Southwest Airlines’ business model, strategy,competitive advantage, and profitability?• What are Southwest Airlines’ distinctive competencies, resources, andcapabilities to make it happen?• What does the value chain look like within Southwest Airlines?• How will the Southwest Airlines competitive advantage be maintained in thefuture?Requirements:• Submit a two-three page Word document covering the elements of theassignment.• Develop a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Use paragraph format andtransitions.• Focus on the quality of writing and content.• Use APA format with a title page, in-text citations, and references. Abstract notrequired. The title page, reference page, and appendices are excluded in pagelength requirement.• Research and cite at least two credible sources in APA format.
  • Business Finance Homework Help

    SU Corporate Tax Decisions & Strategies Business Entities Corporate Operations Report


    Show the calculation

    AC507-3: Assess the Federal net operating loss rules.

    Scenario: The Smith Company, a C Corporation, in
    2021 has a loss of $200,000. During 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025, the
    company experienced the following:

    • 2022 – income of $120,000
    • 2023 – income of $50,000
    • 2024 – loss of $20,000
    • 2025 – income of $200,000

    Determine the taxes paid/refunded in each year, 2021, 2022, 2023,
    2024, and 2025. Assume the income tax rate for all years is a 21% flat
    tax rate on all income levels.

    Business Finance Homework Help

    Saudi Electronic University Communications Management Memo


    Critical Thinking

    Visual aids are used by business writers for many purposes. Here we have a graph used to represent the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita for Saudi Arabia.

    Why do you think the author decided to use the bar graph among the other visual aids? Briefly analyze the bar graph below? (not less than 500 words)

    • Writing Exercise
      In the role of a senior decision-maker in business, write a (policy/ notice of change) memo for your employees on TWO of the following subjects: (not less than 500 words)
    • On-site smoking
    • Changes in working hours
    • Overtime
    • Or early retirement.

    Business Finance Homework Help

    Embry Riddle University Diversity and Adapting to Change Case study


    In order to have a diverse organization, a culture of respect must be established. If harassment occurs, this impedes the organization’s ability to truly exhibit respect to all of its employees. This week you will learn about how a newly formed company created a culture of sexual harassment in the process. This week’s case study will focus on Uber and harassment issues within their organization that dramatically impacted their employees and reputation.    


    Read the critical thinking case “Uber Pays the Price” in Chapter Five of the Organization Behavior (OpenStax) (Links to an external site.) textbook which is part of this week’s required reading.


    Once you have read through the case study, use the following guidelines to write your paper:

    • Introduce the topic and summarize the paper.

    The main body of the paper

    • Explain the impact harassment had at Uber and other issues that can impact an organization due to harassment.
    • Provide a form of federal legislation this harassment case would fall under and the protection it provides for employees being harassed (Use an outside source properly cited and referenced to validate your selection). 
    • List three separate methods that could have been put in place to prevent an issue like this from happening at Uber (Use at least one outside source correctly cited and referenced to support your answer).
    • Provide an example of another workplace harassment issue in a business organization that has occurred within the last 12 months. 

    Business Finance Homework Help

    CCU The Meaning of Canon Reflection Paper Discussion


    In your reading of Gundry in this session, the author discussed the issue of “canon.” Write a reflection paper addressing the following:

    • Write a short summary explaining your understanding of what the word “canon” means and how it applies to the New Testament.
    • Specifically relating to the NT, what in this section of reading helped you better understand how the Bible came into its current form?
    • Did any of the concepts presented raise more questions in your mind?

    In one to two pages, respond to the questions. Make sure that you properly reference any material that you are citing. Please write your paper in appropriate APA format.

    Click on the Session 1 New Testament Introductory Reflection Paper link to submit your assignment by the posted due date. Review the rubric available in Due Dates and Grades for specific grading criteria.

    Business Finance Homework Help

    AIC Use Accounting Principles to Manage Your Personal Finances Analysis


    Use these videos for help on how to post to the Discussion Board:

    Assignment Details

    Think about the ways that you use accounting in your daily life, such as when managing your personal budget, paying your bills, investing your money, and so on.

    • How can you use accounting principles to manage your personal finances?

    Read through your peers’ posts, and when you respond to them, consider the following: 

    • You can provide suggestions that you have found to be beneficial about the ways that your peers can use accounting information.
    • If any of your peers have struggled with finances, what are the situations that you have experienced that may help ease a financial burden?

    Business Finance Homework Help

    Excelsior College the Question Is Finding a Binary Number Project


    Here’s the question:

    Fast is allocating next year’s budget among its divisions. The R&D (Research and Development) division must
    determine which research projects, named creatively 1 through 7, to fund. Each project requires various
    software, hardware, and outside consulting expenses which are termed “Additional Costs.” Each project also
    requires certain Fast engineers.
    Fast R&D has been given a budget allocation of $1.2 million to cover Additional Costs and has 35 Fast staff
    engineers available for the potential projects.
    R&D has developed the following table of projected costs and staffing for the seven potential projects as well as
    a prediction of the dollar return to Fast if the project succeeds. “Return” implies all costs have been deducted.

    Business Finance Homework Help

    SEU Macroeconomics Worksheet


    Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:

    After completion of Assignment-2 students will able to understand the

    LO 1.2: Describe how to evaluate macroeconomic conditions such as unemployment,

    inflation, and Growth

    LO 1.3: Recognize the fundamental determinant’s of a nation’s long-run economic


    Assignment 2 Questions: Week 6 to Week 10: [5 Marks]

    Assignment 2

    Case Study

    When taxes induce people to change their behaviour—such as inducing Jane to buy less pizza—the taxes cause deadweight losses and make the allocation of resources less efficient. As we have already seen, much government revenue comes from the individual income tax in many countries. In a case study in Chapter 8, we discussed how this tax discourages people from working as hard as they otherwise might. Another inefficiency caused by this tax is that it discourages people from saving.

    Consider a person 25 years’ old who is considering saving $1,000. If he puts this money in a savings account that earns 8 percent and leaves it there, he would have $21,720 when he retires at age 65. Yet if the government taxes one-fourth of his interest income each year, the effective interest rate is only 6 percent. After 40 years of earning 6 percent, the $1,000 grows to only $10,290, less than half of what it would have been without taxation. Thus, because interest income is taxed, saving is much less attractive.

    Some economists advocate eliminating the current tax system’s disincentive toward saving by changing the basis of taxation. Rather than taxing the amount of income that people earn, the government could tax the amount that people spend.

    Under this proposal, all income that is saved would not be taxed until the saving is later spent. This alternative system, called a consumption tax, would not distort people’s saving decisions.

    Various provisions of the current tax code already make the tax system a bit like a consumption tax. Taxpayers can put a limited amount of their saving into special accounts—such as Individual Retirement Accounts and 401(k) plans—that escape taxation until the money is withdrawn at retirement. For people who do most of their saving through these retirement accounts, their tax bill is, in effect, based on their consumption rather than their income.

    European countries tend to rely more on consumption taxes than does the United States. Most of them raise a significant amount of government revenue through a value-added tax, or a VAT. A VAT is like the retail sales tax that many U.S. states use, but rather than collecting all of the tax at the retail level when the consumer buys the final good, the government collects the tax in stages as the good is being produced (that is, as value is added by firms along the chain of production). Various U.S. policymakers have proposed that the tax code move further in direction of taxing consumption rather than income. In 2005, economist Alan Greenspan, then Chairman of the Federal Reserve, offered this advice to a presidential commission on tax reform: “As you know, many economists believe that a consumption tax would be best from the perspective of promoting economic growth—particularly if one were designing a tax system from scratch—because a consumption tax is likely to encourage saving and capital formation. However, getting from the current tax system to a consumption tax raises a challenging set of transition issues.”

    1: What should be taxed – Personal Income or Personal Consumption and why? Provide your opinion based on the case.(200 words) [1.5 Marks]

    2: How may it affect Saudi Economy if an income tax is imposed in KSA?

    (200 words) [1.5 Marks]

    Q2: Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Human Resources recently announced an increase to the monthly minimum wage from 3000 SAR to 4000 SAR for full-time Saudi workers in April 2021, and introduced a Labor Reform Initiative (LRI) scheduled to take effect on 14th March 2021. [2 Marks]

    a.Discuss the implications of the above topic.

    b.Will this impact unemployment in the country? How?


    Business Finance Homework Help

    Yorkville University Smart and Sustainable Cities Responses


    While most cities in which we live are far from being fully smart and sustainable, things like the smart grid and smart transportation are becoming more mainstream, so much so that the EV city casebook (Beeton & Holland, 2014) and the Danish EnergyPlan (2014, November 18), which are both from 2014, might seem rather dated. Are any of these smart and sustainable energy technologies, or similar ones, operating in your city or a city near you? On the other hand, what types of technologies/programs might require a complete transformation of the status quo?


    Many smart and sustainable energy technologies are operated all over the globe. Right now, am living in Canada so, I would like to go with the smart and sustainable energy technologies of Canada for answering the first question. The electricity of Canada is produced from renewable energy resources like wind, biomass, solar, hydro, and marine. Canada is a global leader in producing and using renewable energy and renewable energy is 17% of Canada’s total energy supply. British Columbia generates almost all of its electricity from flowing water and the rest of the electricity is produced from forest biomass, wind, natural gas, solar, and landfill gas. The renewable capacity is 16,000 MW. Between 2009 to 2014, four wind plants were built in BC, and wind capacity increased from 0 to 488MW between 2005 to 2015.

    Information technologies require a complete transformation of present situations to improve efficiency and delivery in the digital economy. Digital technologies require to challenge the present way of technologies in the organization or somewhere else in order to come up with different and improved types of technologies. The main areas of digital transformation are technology, data, process, and organizational change.

    References :……

    Hang Ren:

    I live in Shanghai in China, which is the financial center of China. In order to promote economic transformation and upgrading. Shanghai focuses on intelligence. It focuses on cultivating emerging industries such as intelligent connected cars, industrial robots, CNC machine tools, and wearable devices. Shanghai has comprehensively improved the level of manufacturing intelligence. Form a group of emerging industries (Zhou, n.d.) that have technological leadership, operate the entire industry chain, and rank among the forefront of the world. Shanghai uses technology to promote the modernization of urban governance. By 2020, Shanghai has achieved all administrative examination and approval matters online, and the openness of public data is leading domestically. Accelerate the advancement of intelligent monitoring and visualized management of urban “lifelines” such as water, electricity, and gas. Improve the food safety information traceability system, strengthen social security big data application, and comprehensively improve public safety emergency monitoring, early warning, and emergency response capabilities.

    Speaking of the need to change the status quo, I think it is the traffic in Shanghai. Every time people go to work in the morning, and when they leave work at night, the road will be very congested. Including public transportation, there are many people on the subway. I think the Shanghai Municipal Government can improve the situation of public transport and increase the amount of public transportation.


    Zhou, N. (n.d.).


    I would like to talk about the smart and sustainable technologies which is used by Canada. Hydroelectricity is by far the most important form of renewable energy produced in Canada. Wind and bioenergy also make an important contribution to Canada’s energy mix. Wind and solar photovoltaic power are experiencing the highest growth rates. Canada is a world leader in the production and use of energy from renewable resources. Renewable energy sources currently provide about 18.9 per cent of Canada’s total primary energy supply. A wide range of energy-producing technologies and equipment have been developed over time to take advantage of these natural resources. As a result, usable energy can be produced in the form of electricity, industrial heat, thermal energy for space and water conditioning, and transportation fuels.

    AI can be a net positive contributor to environmental sustainability in many industries. Here are some examples: In agriculture, AI can transform production by better monitoring and managing environmental conditions and crop yields. AI can help reduce both fertilizer and water, all while improving crop yields. AI has the potential to accelerate global efforts to protect the environment and conserve resources. AI can be harnessed in a wide range of economic sectors and situations to contribute to managing environmental impacts and climate change.


    Janik, A., Ryszko, A., & Szafraniec, M. (2020). Scientific landscape of smart and sustainable cities literature: A bibliometric analysis. Sustainability, 12(3), 779.


    It is true that many cities are far from becoming smart cities but with time and technology cities all around the world are following the path to becoming a smart city. According to me for any smart city it is must to have a fast and reliable transportation. I live in surrey and the transportation here is good but not fast. Hyperloop one is a transportation technology which is very promising and futuristic.

    So basically, Hyperloop one Is a super fast mode of transportation for passengers and freight and the top speed is around 1000 km/hr. It consists of pods which move at a very high speed with the help of magnetic plates. Currently Hyperloop one is Being developed in India from Pune to Mumbai. After its completion the traveling time between both the cities will be reduced to 30 minutes from 4 hours. Hyperloop is fully electric and has zero emission. Having such mode of transportation in any city will need years of construction build up from scratch but after completion it will be one of the most reliable, fast and sustainable mode of transportation a smart city needs.

    Thank You


    Our Bureau. (2020, November 17). Virgin Hyperloop onboards its first Indian passenger. @Businessline; The Hindu BusinessLine.,in%20bringing%20hyperloop%20to%20India.&text=With%20speeds%20of%20up%20to,according%20to%20the%20preliminary%20analysis.