
Business Finance Homework Help

Saudi Electronic University Economic Integration Discussion


I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

discussion , management ( economic integration )

Business Finance Homework Help

University of Idaho Organization Development Every Coin Has Two Sides Case Study


TEXTBOOK: Anderson, D. L. (2020). Organization development : the process of leading organizational change (Fifth edition. ed.). Los Angeles: SAGE. Chapter 1, pp 18-23.

As an Organization Development practitioner, you may be presented with conflicting information. Making sense of these data to help an organization is an important skill for an OD practitioner. Read the Case Study 1 in Anderson, pp 18 – 23.


What are the sources of conflict on this team?

Which issues are personal or interpersonal versus systemic or organizational?

If you summarize the issues for Tom or Jared, how would you present the data back?

Do you think this team can reconcile this conflict, or has this team reached a point where it is beyond repair?

What do you think an organization development practitioner could do to help Jared and this team?

Business Finance Homework Help

Strayer University Defining Your Strategy Market Data Discussion


I’m working on a business discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Thanks, Veronica. You indicated that “the leadership teams will rely on new market data obtained from analyics to modify product and service offerings resulting in a sustainable operational model”. Please provide a few examples of the type of “market data” and corresponding metrics that you plan to utilize to populate your analytical model.

Business Finance Homework Help

Oakwood University W3 Freedom in Self Control Reflection


I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.

There is freedom in self-control

Read: Titus 2:1-6

Imagine for a moment we are living in a world where adults are not potty trained. Eww. We all need to be grateful that as we grew up someone told us we needed self-control in this area and took the time to teach us how to practice it.

Paul reminds us in Titus 2:1-6, growing up in Christ requires the same kind of instruction. We all come to Jesus with areas of our lives over which we do not exercise self-control. Rather, we yield to impulses. It could be substance abuse, fits of temper, gossip, sexual practices, or destructive thought patterns. No matter what it is, a fleeting impulse can lead to a permanent problem.

Self-control does not limit us. To the contrary, it frees us to follow Jesus more closely.

When we ask Jesus into our lives, one of the Holy Spirit’s gifts is self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). Self-control does not limit us. To the contrary, it frees us to follow Jesus more closely.

Those who are mature in the faith are responsible for training younger believers—teaching them how to tap into and grow in self-control and helping them prepare for Jesus’ return. “Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed” (1 Peter 1:13).

Please reflect on the above and share your thoughts.

Business Finance Homework Help

Oakwood University W3 Harry Markham Dilemma Discussion


Can you help me understand this Management question?

1. Which parts of the CFA Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct are applicable to the dilemma Harry Markham is facing?

2. When do professionals have a responsibility to tell clients things they don’t want to hear?

Business Finance Homework Help

Oakwood University Leadership Video Reflection Paper


I’m stuck on a Management question and need an explanation.

Leadership Video Reflection Paper: Watch the assigned video listed for the module/week.  You select from one of the videos and write a minimum three-page reflection paper on one of the leadership videos selected for the module/week.  Paper format should include the following sections: (1) Cover Page; (2) Summary section of leadership video/ minimum 1 page; (3) Application section of how the leadership video connected to the course content/ minimum ½ page; and (4) Reflection section of what lesson you learned from the leadership video/minimum ½ page.  Each paper is worth a maximum 10 points, for a maximum of 80 points.

Leadership Video Reflection Paper (Sources): Reference Web Links and Videos

Web Links and Videos

Categories: (1) Leadership Video Inspirational; (2) TED Talks Leadership and Management, Leadership, etc.; and (3) Drew Dudley Everyday Leadership

9 Inspiring Leadership Videos: There are a gazillion videos about leadership on YouTube

Business Finance Homework Help

Rasmussen Evaluation & Accounting Information Systems Swift Athletics Paper & PPT


Your company, Swift Athletics is a publicly held, mid-sized manufacturer, with $20 million dollars in annual revenue. You produce high-end running shoes exclusively in the US. You are planning to sell your products internationally within the next two years. You operate in a lean environment, and your supplier monitors your raw materials needs, and shipments are made JIT.

Assume that you are the Chief Accounting Officer (CAO) for the company. The company is publicly held; therefore, it must follow all reporting requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

The company is expanding rapidly and has outgrown its information system. You have been given the task of evaluating and recommending a viable accounting information system solution for the accounting and financial data. Your final proposal will be delivered to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO). You must be able to support your proposal with appropriate research


To complete this project:

  • 1) Articulate the value of an AIS and how it can be used to facilitate growth at Swift. Identify the departments/functions of a manufacturer like Swift that will utilize the AIS, and how the departments will interact.
  • 2) Prepare a summary that identifies the departments listed above, a weakness or threat for each department, explanation of why the weakness exists, and the steps that you will implement in your new system to address the weakness issues. Note: An example of a weakness or threat in the general ledger and reporting system might be an unauthorized disclosure of financial statements. Controls to respond to this weakness or threat include access controls and encryption. You may wish to present this information in a table for your presentation.
  • 3) While the balanced scorecard is not a new concept, it does offer a framework allowing managers to measure an enterprise’s performance from four categories: financial, customer, business processes, and learning and growth. The balanced scorecard considers both financial and nonfinancial measures. After researching the balanced scorecard, for each of the four categories, identify at least one critical success factor for Swift to achieve shareholder value.
  • 4) As part of the planning process for your new accounting information system, you need to prepare flowcharts. This graphic will present the flow of information through the accounting cycles. Prepare flowcharts for at least two business departments/functions for Swift. Each flowchart should be detailed, and have the right symbols for each process. Also, think your way through the processes from beginning to end. For example, how is sales revenue defined, such as when is it considered earned? The following are the business processes that you may elect to address:
  • Sales
  • Purchasing
  • Production
  • Payroll
  • Please note that you will have two distinct flowcharts for this assignment. Be sure your flowcharts are professionally presented and clearly labeled.
  • 5) What are the steps you will take to justify the new information system initiative? What must be considered for Swift? How will you assess the financial implications? What is the impact on the AIS of globalization and a multinational business presence?
  • 6) How will appropriate and effective use of technology for managing the accounting and financial information flows and presentation be affected?
  • 7) Evaluate the threats and risks associated with the accounting information system for Swift.

Business Finance Homework Help

A Visit to McDonalds Case Study


1.Why do Bob and Joan stop (i.e. What do they find attractive about McDonald’s)?

2.How would you describe the way work is organised at the McDonald’s restaurant?

3.How are these operations maintained (i.e. How does the organisation ensure that employees perform as required)?

4.Why has this form of organisation been successful for McDonald’s?

5.What are the negative features of this form of organisation?

6.What has forced McDonald’s to change its operations, and where has this innovation come from?

7.How has McDonald’s further innovated since this case was written?

8.How might this type of operation be improved?

Business Finance Homework Help

MHA 5006 Capella University Cost Benefit Analysis


  • Introduction
    In this assignment, you will continue on in your role as a new office manager for a successful medical clinic. The clinic is a conglomeration of physicians offering specialized care.One of the clinic’s physician groups wants to purchase an MRI machine. Currently, clients who need an MRI must schedule an appointment at another facility. This adds time and cost to any treatment they need. The machine will be available for all physicians in the clinic. It will require additional staff to operate the equipment. In addition, the MRI will have to be housed in an office area within the clinic.Your task is to prepare a cost-benefit analysis for the clinic’s senior leaders, so they can make an informed decision about whether to proceed with the purchase.Instructions
    This cost-benefit analysis assignment consists of two parts.Part 1
    Complete the Cost-Benefit Analysis Template for the purchase of an MRI machine for the clinic.Part 2
    Based on your cost-benefit analysis, write a 3–4 page double-spaced summary. Address all of the following in your summary:

    • Explain how the cost-benefit analysis aligns with organizational needs and future growth.
      • In your explanation be sure to consider:
        • Non-monetary benefits, such as improved customer satisfaction, associated with the purchase.
        • Non-monetary costs associated with the equipment purchase. For example, productivity may decrease initially as people adjust to new policies and procedures associated with using the MRI equipment. At the same time, productivity is likely to increase once people adjust to the new policies and procedures.
        • Although these factors may be difficult to quantify, successful health care leaders are able to weigh nonmonetary and monetary considerations when making their purchasing and budgeting decisions.
    • Explain the concept of opportunity cost.
    • Recommend a plan of action consistent with your cost-benefit analysis.
      • Decide whether the clinic should purchase the MRI machine.
      • Be sure to reference specific aspects of the cost-benefit analysis.
    • Your final submission needs to include:
    • The completed Cost-Benefit Analysis Template (Excel spreadsheet).
    • A concise summary that provides (Word document):
      • Context for the cost-benefit analysis.
      • Rationale behind the recommendation.
    • Submission Requirements
      Part 1
      Format: Use the Cost-Benefit Analysis Template provided in the resources for this assignment.Part 2
    • Toggle Drawer[u06d1] Unit 6 Discussion 1
      Using Financial Ratios for Analysis
      Explain at least three financial ratios that are used to analyze the financial position of a health care organization. Which stakeholders would use these ratios, and why?Discussion Guidelines
      Discussion posts should address the question, be succinct, be substantive, provide new insight, and incorporate scholarly literature. Response Guidelines
      Provide substantive comments to your peers according to the Faculty Expectations Message discussion response guidelines, comparing their perspectives to yours. Ask questions to better understand their perspectives and expand the discussion.Resources
    • Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.
    • APA Style and Format.