Writing Homework Help

UArizona Global Campus Leading and Managing Groups and Teams Blog Post


I’m studying for my Writing class and need an explanation.

Use the knowledge you have gained about good blogs from the blog review you already completed. In that review, you considered several aspects of a good blog.

Select a topic that fits within the content of this course on leading and managing groups and teams.

Although students will submit their blogs to canvas, there is an opportunity for students to publicly post their blogs, either on their own blog pages, or one that I have created for this course.

https://sites.nova.edu/sims/leading-teams-blog/ (Links to an external site.)

Blogs typically follow a set pattern.

The opening paragraph explains the general premise and outlines several ideas (points, problems) you will make.

Each idea then follows, each with its own paragraph (headings are fine too to organize your ideas). The paragraph gives the idea (point, problem), offers a personal example, then a suggestion or take away for that idea.  Repeat for each point highlighted in the introduction.

A final paragraph sums it all up, reminding the reader why this was all important. End by promoting comments and/or feedback by asking a question or two. This will engage the reader in a continuous learning environment.