Humanities Homework Help

Florida International University Family Problems and Resilience Discussion


You learned what constitutes a family problem and various theories that address family stress and resilience. Chapter 2 of your text discussed policy and practice responses to family problems. Please use your readings and research peer-reviewed journal articles in the Purdue Global Library to support your post.

Please respond to the following:

  • Identify one family problem and discuss the barriers to resiliency that a family may face in overcoming this problem.
    • Briefly discuss the type of organizations or social services delivery systems that could be helpful to a family dealing with this problem.
  • Identify the protective factors that can contribute to family resilience.
    • Discuss how protective factors can benefit families in high-risk living environments.
  • Using Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory, identify how the ecology of a family can impact resilience.
  • Discuss the role, if any, that stigma towards human services or mental health services plays in family resilience.

Humanities Homework Help

GCU Bipolar Disorder Discussion


Watch the following video presentation by a person with the diagnosis of Bipolar I disorder. Please be professional and thorough (provide a thorough description of Bipolar Disorder).

Humanities Homework Help

American InterContinental University Universal healthcare in USA Essay


Assignment Details

Overview of the writing the argumentative essay that is due in Unit 10: Throughout the course, you will build a 4-5-page argumentative essay. An argumentative essay requires writers to explore a topic (issue), collect and consider evidence, and establish an opinion on the topic in a brief way. The complete essay must incorporate research (quotes, summarization, and paraphrasing), and you must cite the research using APA in-text citations and a corresponding References page. The final product details can be found at the end of this document.

In this unit, you will work on the thesis statement and introduction paragraph of the argumentative essay that is due in Unit 10.

For this Unit 2 Submission, submit only the opening paragraph and the APA-style References page for grading.

Your tasks for this week are as follows:

Finalize the topic for your paper based on the topic you selected for the Discussion Board in Unit 1 and the feedback your instructor and peers provided, or select one from the list of topics/issues below. You can select any topic you like, but you must obtain approval from your instructor first.  This is to ensure that the topic is appropriate for an argumentative essay and related to an issue that will hold your interest when you return to this essay in the coming weeks. 

Review the source in the Topic Bibliography on your topic.

Locate a similar, credible source on the issue using the AIU Library and this Internet search tool, by conducting a key word search based on your research topic. Think about the evidence you find so that you can form an opinion. Here are some additional tools to assist with your search:

AIU Library Orientation Libguide

TRAP test to ascertain the credibility of your sources. 

Complete the unit 2 worksheet to assist you in composing an opening paragraph for your essay (do not submit the worksheet; it is for guidance purposes only with this Submission)

Your introduction paragraph should provide background information on your topic, the controversies or issues surrounding the topic, and how the topic is relevant or significant.

The final sentence of the introduction paragraph should be a thesis statement that reflects the essay’s overall claim..

  1. Additionally, the thesis statement should include at least two reasons that support the claim

Incorporate at least one quote or paraphrase from the sources that you assembled in Steps 2, 3, or 4. Explain the rationale for the selected quote(s) and/or paraphrases.

  1. Include properly formatted APA in-text citations and a corresponding Reference page for the quote and/or paraphrases used in the opening paragraph.

The introduction paragraph should be properly formatted (double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, with proper in-text citations.

  1. The Argumentative Essay Writing Process, Units 2 – 10

You will complete the finished argumentative essay in stages:

Assess the writing situation. See page 8 of Chapter 1 in your textbook, English Composition, for specific information about the writing situation. 

  • Choose a topic. 

Research the issue, and analyze evidence to form an opinion. 

  • Write a claim (thesis statement) that is supported with reasons from credible sources. 

Write an introduction that announces your purpose and hooks readers. (Unit 2 Individual Project)

  1. Create an outline and References page (Unit 4 Individual Project) 

Write a rough draft with at least three body paragraphs (including at least one quotation, one summarization, and one paraphrase with corresponding in-text citations and Reference page). (Unit 6 Individual Project) 

Write at least one counter-argument paragraph that addresses an opposing opinion. (Unit 8 Individual Project)

  • Write a conclusion that restates your claim and summarizes the evidence. (Unit 8 Individual Project)
  • Add the Title Page and complete the final draft (Unit 10 Individual Project.
  • NOTE: For assistance with this assignment, please refer to the assigned readings listed under Unit 2 Learning Activities, as well as your intellipath® lessons.
  • Topics/Issues to Choose From
  1. Is TV a leftover media source from the past that will soon be outdated, or is TV keeping up with the times and attracting new viewers?
  2. How is social media affecting young adults, parents, or teens for better or worse?

Should high school students be required to take a civics course as a graduation requirement?

Should journalists try to be objective to regain the public’s confidence?

Do charter schools hurt traditional public schools?

Are drug courts the solution to addressing nonviolent drug offenders?

Should forensic techniques require federal approval for use in court?

  • Should the U.S. government provide universal health care?
  • Do video games portray positive or negative gender stereotypes?
  • Reference
  • Google Scholar. (n.d.).

Humanities Homework Help

SNHU Lack of Resources for Foster Care Discussion


  • Problem Identification – Your team will identify and analyze one specific issue of problem. The problem you identify must be embedded within a geographic community context (i.e., the problem can be observed and assessed within a specific geographic context), and it may focus on a specific population. Please consider feasibility when selecting (e.g., geographic proximity, access to community and stakeholders, available information, etc.). Examples of community issue areas that have been assessed in past classes include homelessness in the downtown Baton Rouge area, mentally ill adults in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, children with learning disabilities in the Hattiesburg, Mississippi public school system.
  • Develop Assessment Plan – Your team will design a plan to research what you believe is the identified problem and its community context. This should include information on the problem and target population(s), history of the identified problem and population(s), and community context related to the problem (both assets as well as needs). Some guiding questions that your report should at a minimum answer include:
    • What is the goal of your needs assessment plan? Why are you focusing on this community? What problem do you believe exists that you want to verify?
    • *What are the characteristics of your chosen community (total population, racial/ethnic/gender makeup, socioeconomic status, etc)? Has the community changed historically, and, if so, how and why? Are some members of the community affected differently/more/less by change than others, and in what ways?
    • What is the community context? What are its geographic boundaries? What are the structures of power in this community?
    • What formal and informal services (public, non-profit, for-profit, voluntary, etc.) and other assets (strengths of the community) are available that currently address problems directly or serve the population affected and how do they do so? Are there any linkages/connections between services? How accessible are the services? What funding sources are currently used or available for addressing the problem? What strengths and values does the population possess?
    • How would you determine what the community members consider a need, shortcoming, or gap in services in their community? You must design at least two (2) additional sources of data gathering (in addition to the secondary data used above). The other two can be surveys of the community, interviews with stakeholders in the community, virtual focus groups with community members, or windshield surveys. **Attach copies of surveys, focus group, and/or interview questions created. If proposing a windshield survey, provide route your team would take and the documentation process you would use while conducting the windshield survey.
  • Draft Problem Statement – Based on your secondary data research, what community-based needs, shortcomings, or gaps exist that either exacerbate the problem or make the problem difficult to address?

piece of quantitative data that you should use to understand the community in
which your problem is embedded is the American Community Survey produced by the
U. S. Census Bureau. This can be used to identify relevant quantitative
indicators of your selected community and associated problem. You can use quick
tables, data profiles, multiyear profiles, and narrative profiles provided in
the American Community Survey to describe the geographic area. Your team may
also develop your own custom tables. The report should include general
characteristics, social characteristics, and economic characteristics. In
addition, to help the reader understand your community, you may wish to include
comparisons to other communities.

Humanities Homework Help

EDP University Types of Knowledge Comparative Chart


Mediante esta actividad los estudiantes identificarán y ejemplificarán los diversos tipos de conocimiento, lo cual les permitirá a su vez lograr mayor profundidad, claridad y precisión a la hora exponer sus planteamientos sobre un problema social mediante el pensamiento crítico.


Durante esta semana nos acercamos al mundo del conocimiento y los saberes asociados a las ciencias sociales.  Como parte de las actividades para este módulo, realizará un ejercicio en el cuál identificará los tipos de conocimiento y ejemplificará cada uno de ellos.

  • Construya una tabla, cuadro o gráfica comparativa en un archivo Word (utilice su creatividad) en la cuál:
    1. Mencione 5 tipos de conocimientos con
    2. su/s característica/s principal/es,
    3. así como un ejemplo de cada uno de ellos.

Humanities Homework Help

Northampton Community College Social Work Charity Case Study


Homework#4 Revision Chapter 9 in The social work skills work book 8e by: Barry R. Cournoyer

Homework 4 Cournoyer, Chapter 9, Summary Exercises

Complete: Summary exercises (Q-1c, p. 352)- Make sure you do the “Z Family” question

Humanities Homework Help

African Studies Black Women Recognition Questions


1.) First Impressions-What parts of the reading(s) did you find surprising, puzzling, useful, new, already knew, and interesting?

2.) Essential Message

3.) The author suggests that Michelle Obama is “the most visible contemporary example of  an African American woman working to stand straight in a crooked room.” What does this mean?

4.) In what ways do you think Michelle Obama debunks the negative stereotypical images (i.e. Mammy, Jezebel, Sapphire, etc.) and rhetoric  regarding black women?

5.) Significance for African American popular culture.

6.) Points of Agreement/Dissension 

Humanities Homework Help

African Studies Women in Sports Journalism Questions


1.) First Impressions-What parts of the reading(s) did you find surprising, puzzling, useful, new, already knew, and interesting?

2.) Essential Message

3.) What are the challenges that African American women in sports journalism face regarding their male counterparts?

4.) Will the playing field for African American women in all areas of sports ever be leveled? Why or why not?

5.) Significance for African American culture through sports.

6.) Points of Agreement/Dissension

Link for article:…

Humanities Homework Help

Strayer University Technology Integration Edmodo & Evernote SWOT Analysis Paper


  1. SWOT Analysis


    Choose from this list and use the Internet or Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library for additional options to help you complete this assignment.


    For this assignment you will conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of your technology integration. There are many templates available online that you might wish to research before beginning your analysis work. One example is on Education World, Analyzing a Situation: SWOT Analysis.


    Write a 6–8 page paper in which you complete the following:

    1. Provide an introduction presenting the scope of your analysis and how your two selected technologies selected work together to enhance the learning environment.
      • Note: You may use this for the introduction in the final project that is due in Week 10.
    2. Provide a 1–2 paragraph description of a class or module to frame your SWOT analysis.
      • As you move through the analysis, keep in mind that your selected technologies must support instructional goals and learning outcomes.
    3. Identify and explain 3–5 examples each of strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat contained in your chosen technologies..
      • You must support these examples with clear rationale and research.
      • Include detailed information.
    4. Provide a six month–one year timeline for the project development and implementation.
    5. Provide a summary of the main points of your analysis and a one-paragraph summary of at least three recommendations for implementing the new technologies.
    6. Provide at least five peer-reviewed references published in the last three years.

    This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Develop a technology SWOT analysis and implementation plan.